Business Language Champions: Developing skills for the world of work
Many schools across Scotland have developed relationships with business to highlight the relevancy of language skills in relation to the world of work .
The following case studies have been developed as part of the ‘Business Language Champions’ initiative in collaboration with SCILT to suit both employers and schools.
- Abbotsford House and Burgh Primary School (July
2016) – This partnership between a primary school and a local tourist attraction demonstrated to pupils the relevance of language skills in their local community, as well as providing an opportunity for learning across the curriculum.
- Balmoral Hotel and Broughton High School (July 2016) – S3 learners worked with staff at the Balmoral Hotel to develop an internal information leaflet to support staff working with Chinese guests.
- Harvey Nichols and Trinity High School (June 2016) – A visit to Harvey Nichols to meet with staff who use languages as part of their job convinced S3 pupils of the relevance of language skills in the workplace. Learners created phrase books in different languages to support the use of language in the department store.
- Walkers Shortbread and Elgin Academy (June 2016) – S2 learners created ‘cue cards’ for Walkers International Sales Team to use on visits to China, introducing language and cultural information. Pupils also delivered a presentation on their cue cards to sales staff at Walkers Shortbread.
- Outplay Entertainment and Woodmill High School (May 2016) – S3 pupils developed an advertising strategy to promote one of Outplay Entertainment’s games in either French of German, and learnt about the importance of languages in the gaming industry.
- Johnstons of Elgin and Elgin Academy (May 2016) – This case study exemplifies Interdisciplinary Learning in S2 at Elgin Academy, in particular the effective combination of Chinese and business links as part of a skills based project in the broad general education
- Jurys Inn and Lourdes Seconday School (May 2016) – S3 pupils learned about the value of languages in the hospitality industry.
- Navy and Brechin High School (March 2015) – A visit from the Royal Navy and language workshops culminated in an interdisciplinary project in which S3 learners had to use their language skills in humanitarian crisis scenarios.
- The Scottish Football Association and Kilwinning Academy (October 2014) – A great project for S3 learners which showed that languages are necessary in all walks of life.
- Holland & Sherry and Priorsford Primary School (October 2014) – The whole school was involved in this project which raised learners’ awareness of what Holland & Sherry does in their local town while building learners’ language skills.
- Loch Duart and Montrose Academy (June 2014) – An exciting programme for S3 learners with visits and workshops culminating in an interdisciplinary project which raised the bar for the pupils who benefited from seeing first-hand how languages and business work together.
- Michelin and Grove Academy (February 2014) – This project gives the young people in S3 a real and engaging context for their learning of French.