Live webcast: DYW – Equalities and Inclusion, 4 Feb 2016
When is it? Thursday, 4 February, 1 – 2 pm
Who is this for? Head teachers, teachers, employers, parents/carers and anyone one else interested or involved in the development of equalities and inclusion agenda, particularly around career education from 3 -18.
Where? Live on Glow TV
About the Glow Meet:
This interactive session will bring you key information about the latest developments of the area of Developing the Young Workforce.
You will hear from Charlotte Govan, project officer for Improving Gender Balance with a particular focus on STEM career pathways. She will share some of the latest facts and initiatives with you on how to embed and contexts in your teaching to promote gender balance.
The session will also provide an overview of the ‘Modern Apprenticeships for All’ programme delivered by Oumar Akram from BEMIS.
Time will be set aside for you to ask questions about the presentations as well as the wider Developing the Young Workforce agenda.
Hope you can tune in and join us.