Educational Partners – Get involved in Glow!

Are you working with children and young people, including early years, but not in an educational establishment setting? Do you provide educational materials, support or training to young people and would like a broader platform on which to deliver this? Glow might be just the thing that you are looking for!

Would any of the following be of interest to you?

• Create an online space for your organisation.
• Set up a live newsfeed that would allow you to interact with learners,teachers and educators at any time
• Use OneDrive to create and store up to 1TB of data in the cloud with the ability to view on all your devices
• Advertise events that your organisation is involved in
• Replace your newsletter and stay in touch with teachers and learners about what is going on in in your organisation
• Deliver one to one or one to many presentations to learners who are unable to travel to your location
• Connect live and interactively with teachers and pupils from a location of your choice
• Deliver Professional Learning to teachers in a convenient and efficient way

These features and many more could be available to you in Glow!
Find out more about the various opportunities available to you in Glow in our Glow For Partners of Scottish Education document.

For further information, in the first instance, please contact

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