Tag Archives: Maths

What’s the Time Wilfred Wolf


During our maths lecture, we were required to find a book that included maths. Prior to this lecture, I always thought of picture books as being an English resource rather than a maths resource. This really intrigued me and I felt I really had to go looking into this. After finding a few gems of books, this story was my favourite so I thought I would share it, and what you can do with it.


This book starts with Wilfred Wolf (the main character) being unable to tell the time from an analogue clock, which is an issue as he has been invited to a party which starts at 3pm. He goes around some of his friends looking for help but they weren’t any use. On the day of the party, some other friends turned up to ask if he was going as he had just got out of bed and when he told them he could not tell the time, they were able to help him understand an analogue clock.


This book starts by showing how Wilfred Wolf found big hands and little hands too confusing, this allows the children to understand that it is okay to be a bit confused in the beginning as it will soon become easier to understand with some support.


Although Wilfred could not tell the time, he knew when to wake up, eat and go to sleep, you could ask the children if they know what time they wake up, eat or sleep.


By using the idea of a party invite, it provides a context for using time in real life that is relevant for young children.


The story then goes on to show the different types of clocks, this allows children to see how different clocks work and how they help to tell the time.

  • Cuckoo clock – Cuckoo noise, one for each number of the hour
  • Digital clock, you don’t need the hands to tell you the times, only numbers – but don’t get it wet!

With the different clocks, you could ask the children what clocks they have at home, if they know anything about these types of clocks.


There is then a page at the end which shows the faces of the clocks with characters acting as the hands as they have drawn the clock face on the ground. With these clock faces, you could ask the children if they can work out what time Lily and Albert are making.

You could also talk about Oscar Owl who is only awake at night, do the children know anyone who works at night? What kind of jobs might people need to do at night?


Playing the game “what’s the time Mr. Wolf” would also lead on nicely from this book as the children will begin to learn the language used when telling the time.


This book is a lovely introduction to a time topic in maths, providing a beginner level understanding of concepts within time and allowing children to understand the importance of time.

First Ever Lesson

So, today I taught my first ever lesson in a school. Although only a group lesson, it was just as nerve wracking.  We were learning about maths, in particular calculations using money.

Now, when students hear “get out your maths jotters”, the majority never seem to excited by it. Obviously this is then our job as the teacher to make their maths as exciting as possible.

I didn’t overly enjoy maths at school. At primary school, I wasn’t keen but somehow I was good at it. I took the approach of “the quicker I do it, the sooner I can stop doing it, however this is not often the approach taken by children.

I found that many of the pupils in my group were disengaged before they even sat down. This was very daunting for me, as a brand new student teacher, how on earth was I going to engage these children with this activity.

I managed to catch their interest by using every day objects and pricing them to allow me to encourage each pupil to work out how much my shopping list would total. This went further in depth when I would say “oh actually I’ve changed my mind, I don’t want the soup anymore, I have plenty at home” which encourage the children to then subtract the value and so on.

This all worked very well, but then we had to go on to the textbook exercise. This is where I got to see every single thing that went through each child’s mind as they were working through their equations. I found it very interesting to see some of the mistakes made, and how understandable the mistake were. It allowed me to understand any gaps in their knowledge and showed me where each child needed to improve.

At the end, I had a fair idea of where each child struggled, however I wanted to ensure that they could self-assess their strengths and weaknessed. To do this, I simply asked what they found “easy-peasy” and what they struggled with. This confirmed that they felt the same way.

My teacher has given me the follow-up lesson to do tomorrow where I will be revising multiplying decimals. I feel more comfortable now in taking the lesson, however I am anxious about the fact that this lesson will be assessed.

My First OLA and NOMA

I completed my first NOMA back in October, but my first OLA today (due to some technical errors with the sound not working). I originally wasn’t too fussed with the idea of a literacy assessment as I’ve always seemed to be rather good with my grammar and punctuation, I wasn’t too keen on the idea of a maths assessment though.

In the end, I got 66% on my first OLA and 85% on my NOMA. This was the complete opposite of what I expected.

The NOMA was quite tricky, even though it’s only primary school level maths. I think I made it more difficult for myself as throughout secondary school, you get a more in depth understanding of maths, you learn how to work out angles and lengths and areas in all new ways. So when you go back to the basics, you try to apply your most recent knowledge to solve the simple task in front of you.

In my OLA, I did well with the spelling, but I realised that I overuse commas and get a bit confused as to which word is a verb or adverb in the sentence. Unfortunately, the answers at the end don’t let you see your performance throughout the Queen’s speech as I would have liked to see my errors there. Maybe this is something that can be introduced in the future.


After seeing my performance on both tests, I will continue to improve my performance and see my improvement through the use of these tests. I will also keep a note of each score as I hope to see a great difference. Maybe one day I’ll even get 100%.