Category: Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety

Level 4 Resources for Cyber Fundamentals and Internet Safety

Education Scotland have collaborated with Girvan Academy in South Ayrshire to produce a set of resources that combine the SQA level 4 units in Cyber Security Fundamentals and Internet Safety.  These resources reinforce our belief that every learner should have the knowledge and skills to use the internet and online services safely, allowing them to spot potential risks and recover from any potential harm, they face while using online services. 

The following teaching resources have been created:


Assessment evidence  

The assessor will use the portfolio approach to generate evidence that learners have achieved these units. 

A learner must complete the Getting Started with Online Accounts booklet, one of the relevant ”Getting Started with Chromebook/iPad’ booklets (depending on what device they have set up), and then the assessor must complete an observation checklist for every learner:

  • Assessor answer booklet  
  • Observation checklist  
  • Learner profile  


The teacher answer booklet and prior verification certificate can be downloaded from the SQA secure site.

Cyber First Aid Box launches

Cyber First Aid Box *NEW RESOURCE*

The Cyber First Aid Box is designed to support families recover from online harms.

Designed in partnership with Decode Cyber Solutions and Education Scotland’s Digital Skills team – it is a free resource available to everyone. 

Clicking on the image or link will open a new browser tab to the Cyber First Aid Box website. The site will ask a series of questions to help families determine the best response to a harmful online incident, including how to approach the subject with children & young people, possible solutions, and the first steps to recovering from it.

Technology Assisted Harmful Sexual Behaviour with Stop It Now

Technology Assisted Harmful Sexual Behaviour (TAHSB) is unfortunately an issue that educators deal with on a daily basis. It impacts on friendships and relationships of everyone involved. However, it is important that educators understand what it is, how to identify it, and how to support the learners involved. 

Stop It Now! Scotland is part of a child protection charity that believes that the key to preventing sexual abuse is awareness among parents and community members. They work to build public confidence in recognising and responding to concerns about the sexual abuse and exploitation of children.

With their experience of delivering the Rosa project in Glasgow, they were are an obvious choice to support us to develop our TAHSB professional learning course. This course is designed to support educators to:

  • develop their knowledge and awareness of TAHSB
  • increase their confidence in identifying and categorising the TAHSB they are dealing with in school
  • take action to help the learners they are supporting with TAHSB

Enquire about TAHSB training

Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety in Primary Schools

The Experiences and Outcomes for Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety (CRIS) can be found under the Digital Literacy organiser in the Technologies curricular area. However, there are many opportunities to link it into other areas of the curriculum, including literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing.

This page provides information, ideas and resources to support you plan for teaching CRIS as a discreet area with its own skills and knowledge but also how to incorporate it into other others of the curriculum too.

What to teach and when to teach it

The first thing to understand is that even as apps and devices change, the way we use the internet has not really changed since its conception in the 1960s. We, adults, chidlren and young people, all use the internet to consume, create and communicate. For example, you might read the news (consume), write an email (create), and video call someone (communicate).

Regardless of the device, platform or service these behaviours have been consistent for a long time.  Therefore it is worth focusing on these key areas when planning learnign or supporting children and young people with their online lives:

By understanding these behaviours, you will be clearer about the appropriate learnign or guidance that they will require.