Tuesday 19th March 2019
I am sad to say this will be my final post. My digital technologies module journey has come to an end, these past twelve weeks have been filled with valuable information, new ideas, frustration and laughter. This module has truly opened up my eyes to the endless possibilities of technology and has given me inspiration to successfully teach ICT within the classroom. Digital Technology is such a massive part of education today and one of the reasons I am so glad I chose this module, looking back on my first post, it is obvious I did not comprehend how large a scale digital technology is. Coming here I thought I was going to learn the basics of ICT; never did I realise the amount of different software I would be introduced to.
Every week has been filled with exciting and interesting software that I have never or had very little experiences with. Having not only been given the chance to research these programmes but to experiment and create with them has been paramount to my learning within this module and has helped me expand skills that I will be able to take into teaching with me. We have been shown software that can be used across all stages of learning and across all benchmarks within the Curriculum for Excellence, a chance I do not think would be possible in other modules and since the need to become, ‘digitally literate in an ever-expanding digitised world’ (Scottish Government, 2016)I believe learning about these now, will benefit me a great deal when starting out in my teaching career.
Although I have gained a vast amount of knowledge on this module, I know I still have a lot of work to do, especially with the ever-expanding world of technology. Even in a couple of months there will be new technology that everyone will have to get their heads around never mind in three year’s time, and as Prensky would describe me as a “digital immigrant” (Prensky, 2001), I realise in terms of technology my training will never be complete. However, I am not afraid of hard work and I realise the more work and time I put in to expanding my digital knowledge the more confident I will become when dealing with ICT. I came into teaching to hopefully inspire the children in my class to learn and I feel now with the skills and ideas I have gained from this module I will be able to make that happen.
Lastly, I could not finish this blog without thanking the people who made this module so enjoyable. My fellow class members and of course our lecturer Rae, they have been fantastic, the support and guidance from all of them has been brilliant and has encouraged me to be able to perform to the best of my abilities. I look forward to hopefully working with all of them throughout the rest of my time at University and possibly longer.
Deborah ♥
Prensky, M. (2001) Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants.MCB University Press.
Scottish Government. (2016) A Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. [Online] Available: at: https://www.gov.scot/publications/enhancing-learning-teaching-through-use-digital-technology/pages/2/. [Accessed: 05 January 2019].