Daily Archives: 28/02/2018

Digital Technologies Week 8 – 27.2.18

Mobile devices are becoming a prominent feature in the majority of households in today’s society. The discussion in our class today was whether mobile devices should be used in the classroom and what benefits they bring to learning. We also explored the talking tins and the easi speak microphones and how they can be used in the classroom. The aim of today was to create an ‘I am’ poem using the voice recordings from the easi speak microphones, and then create a powerpoint with those recordings and images.

Technology is playing a central role in the classroom, not just in ICT, but in English, Maths and Science. According to the Telegraph (2014), four in ten households have a tablet, so children are computer literate before going to school.  Mobile devices have many benefits in the classroom. Technology can retain the children’s attention for a longer period of time than the traditional way of teaching. It keeps them engaged because it’s something that they are familiar with outside of school. According to Teaching Times (2018), only a quarter of schools believe they only use it for entertainment. However, it has other benefits not only for children but for teachers too. For example, in maths children can submit their answers straight away and find out the answers instantly. This is a faster way of learning. Teachers are also able to look at the children’s answers and can easily note down their marks.   Parent/carers are often trying to get children to stop playing on their mobile devices for too long. Some children agreed that if they played it for too long it would make them tired or frustrated, but on the other hand some children find it relaxing and calming (Children’s Parliament, 2006). Technology is also useful as an additional support tool if the teacher is busy with other children. They can be left on their own and this would increase their independence. For example, they could use mobile devices to clarify the spellings of words, or play educational games to enhance learning if they had completed all of their tasks. (Children’s Parliament, 2006). Personally, I think mobile devices are a great resource for the classroom if they are used effectively.

Technology is growing at a rapid pace and it is important to keep up to date with it. However, there are some teachers that are not confident with using mobile devices. This is mainly because there is little support being given to teachers to integrate technology into the curriculum (Telegraph, 2o15).  In my opinion, if teachers had additional support or even attended an ICT class, it would have a positive impact on the pupils’ learning in the classroom. Teachers who are not as confident must also be aware that their uncertainty towards technology can also have a negative impact on the pupils. They must not pass on the fear they have.   Using technology in schools also allows children to make use of their devices to enhance their learning.

Although there are many advantages of mobile devices, there are also disadvantages of using them in the classroom.  Technology is very expensive and according to the Telegraph (2015), technology in schools in England is costing around £623 million per year. This means that many schools may not the same access to mobile devices that other schools have. In addition to this, most mobile devices will need Wi-Fi to set up the applications and devices, and schools have reported that they are under resourced in Wi-Fi. This makes it difficult for children and teachers to get online to use the technology facilities such as educational websites. Despite the negatives, I think there are far more many advantages when it comes to using mobile devices.

The Experiences and Outcomes for using mobile devices:

“I can extend and enhance my knowledge of digital technologies to collect, analyse ideas, relevant information and organise these in an appropriate way.” TCH 2-01a

“Using digital technologies responsibly I can access, retrieve and use information to support, enrich or extend learning in different contexts.” TCH 1-02a

“I can extend my knowledge of how to use digital technology to communicate with others and I am aware of ways to keep safe and secure.” TCH 1-03a

(Education Scotland, 2016)

We must keep up to date with the ever changing technology, as children are now fast becoming more intuitive when it comes to technology in today’s society. It’s essential that as teachers that we keep up to date with technology. I think as a student teacher is it vital to use mobile devices in the classroom. It can enhance learning and keep children engaged in lessons.  Therefore, they are more likely to enjoy and take more information from a lesson.


Powerpoint – easi speak microphone 



Children’s Parliament (2006) A Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland: The Vies of Children. [Online] Available: http://www.childrensparliament.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/REPORT_digital-learning-consultation_Childrens-Parliament-1.pdf  [Accessed: 28th February 2018]

Education Scotland (2016) Curriculum for Excellence: Technologies Experiences and Outcomes. [Online] Available: https://education.gov.scot/Documents/Technologies-es-os.pdf [Accessed: 28th February 2018]

Teaching Times (2018) Games Consoles Benefit Children’s Education. [Online] Available: http://www.teachingtimes.com/articles/games-consoles-education.htm [Accessed : 28th February 2018]

Telegraph (2014) Digital Learning: How Technology is Reshaping Teaching [Online] Available: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/11051228/Digital-learning-how-technology-is-reshaping-teaching.html [Accessed: 28th February 2018]

Telegraph (2015) Classroom Technology Barely Used By Half of Teachers [Online]Available: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/12013650/Classroom-technology-barely-used-by-half-of-teachers.html [Accessed: 28th February 2018]