Reflecting Upon Semester 1

For me, a key part of semester one was preparing for the working together group assessment. Through working with social work, community learning and development and primary education students, I was able to extend my knowledge and gain views from other professions. On the other hand, this meant there was a greater range of opinions and thus different ideas. We dealt with this by having group discussions and ensuring that everyone was able to share their opinion, demonstrating the importance of having a voice.

Without a doubt, when working in a group there tends to be a range of personalities. Through this task, I was able to learn of the importance of putting differences aside and getting on with the task set. I discovered that there will be leaders within the group and those who prefer to listen more rather than talk.  I learned that I need to have more confidence in my own opinions and ensure that when I feel something isn’t quite right that I am not scared to share my thoughts. The task also made me think more into the importance of reflecting upon each aspect of a task to ensure that in the future I can improve upon my previous performance. Teaching involves continuous learning and reflection allows for improvement and learning from mistakes.

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