Category Archives: Ulva

Pandas on Iona and Mull!

After a busy morning at Lochdonhead and Tobermory, Panda Reporter travelled on the amazing journey across the island. The bus driver told him lots of facts about the island along the journey.

He was very excited to see the remains of a bronze age crannog – a house built on a man made island in the middle of a loch – on the road to Fionnphort.

“After taking the short journey to Iona, I met Mrs. Elwis the head teacher at Iona Primary and the lovely children who told me about the exciting things they have been up to – including holding their own mock election, becoming junior tour guides to Iona Abbey and learning about Mandarin and Chinese New Year.

In the afternoon I visited Bunessan Primary and heard about all the exciting things they have been up to. They have promised to teach me about the local environment and habitats around their school and village. ”

What’s the story in… Tobermory!

Panda reporter hopped on a ferry to the beautiful Isle of Mull on Friday to visit boys and girls in the primary schools there and find out about the environment on Mull.

“What a great journey onthe ferry – I was watching out for dolphins or whales but I only saw a few gannets!

The nearest primary school to the Craignure ferry port is Lochdonhead Primary School. There I met the boys and girls of Lochdonhead and Ulva. I told them all about the giant pandas in Edinburgh and asked them to teach me about some of the bugs and animals that live on Mull. after spending the morning there I caught the bus to the biggest village on the island, Tobermory. The bus took a long time – I hadn’t realised how big Mull was!”