Worm Experiment!

As well as learning about birds last week, we wanted to learn about worms too.

To start off with, Miss Yarrow read us a story called ‘Diary of a Worm’. Santa enjoyed hearing all about what the worm got up to with us.



We then talked about the new information that the book had taught it us, as well as sharing the things we remembered from our mini-beast week.

After reading the book, we decided to do an experiment outside. Our experiment was to test the best way to find worms.  We had learned that the worms don’t like it when it rains because it fills their tunnels up and we discovered that birds do a funny dance to trick that worms into thinking that it is raining. So, to do our experiment, we first split into 2 groups. One of the groups was to use water to try and get the worms to come up and the other group was to do a bird dance. We got to choose which group to be part of. Luckily, the groups were even to keep the experiment fair.

Before we went out, we made predictions about which method we thought would be the best. 15 of us thought that the water would bring the most worms up and 8 of us thought that the dancing would work best, because birds usually get lots of worms that way. Miss Yarrow liked that we were using our knowledge and problem solving to think of reasons for our predictions.

We went outside onto 2 bits of grass close by each other. We waited until both groups were ready to begin. When it was time, one group started dancing and the other poured water (but stayed still like statues). Miss Yarrow and Mrs Beveridge timed us, and when it was time to stop, we had to carefully search the grass for any worms. Santa had a go with both groups so that he could see everything that was going on.

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Unfortunately, it wasn’t the best day for worm finding! Between the two groups, we only managed to find one worm, and that was from the water group.


We decided that the ground must have been far too dry where the dancers were. We had previously learned that worms breathe through their skin and that if they are too dry they might not survive, so we thought that was why they weren’t being tricked  by us!

It didn’t matter that our predictions weren’t accurate, we enjoyed having a go at guessing and had fun doing our experiment. Santa had fun too!

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