Hattie identifies the following as being indicators of effective teaching:
- learning intentions
- success criteria
- feedback
- directive teaching methods
I think that I manage 1, 2 and 3 pretty well. I have very high expectations, I share learning intentions and success criteria and I try to work as much time for feedback into lessons as possible. For number 4 I decided to look at Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction which is considered one of the best summaries of effective direct teaching methods. He identifies the following as things that the most effective teachers do:
- Begin each lesson with a review of previous learning
- Present new material in small steps, with practice after each step
- Ask lots of questions and check the understanding of all students
- Provide models
- Guide student practice
- Check for student understanding
- Obtain a high success rate
- Provide scaffolds for difficult tasks
- Require and monitor independent practice
- Engage students in weekly and monthly review
For me I feel I am strong on most of these points but one area I feel could use improvement is the idea of a weekly/monthly review and the related area of reviewing previous learning. Whilst I often start a lesson with a review of the previous lesson I don’t ask for recall of previous topics. The idea of interleaved practice is one that I know has promise but have never really incorporated into my practice. I think this may well be a way to improve things for my pupils, as I do notice a tendency for them to think ‘oh I’ve finished that topic’ and forget much of what they have learned, giving them much more to do when it comes to revision. I am hopeful that incorporating regular reviews of previous topics will help student’s recall and ultimately their performance.