Monthly Archives: September 2017

Resource Workshop

On Tuesday last week during our Values Lesson the class was split up into five different groups, with each group being handed a large envelope, including a number of resources.  The lecturer informed us we must come up with an idea of a helpful and resourceful tool for somebody just starting out on the course at the University.  From there we were to present our idea then go on to create it with the resources in front  of us. 

Our group came up with the idea of a colourful timetable as none of us had found it easy trying to follow the complicated timetable.  We had many different resources within our envelope, including pencils, pens, coloured paper, elastic bands, post it notes etc.  It was also clear to us, group one had many materials like us when they shared their idea.

As we continued to hear other groups ideas it came to our attention they maybe didn’t have as much materials as us and struggled more to come up with an idea but we didn’t take any more notice to it and carried on with the task given.  It was clear to us that as Brenda (the lecturer) observed the class, she looked unhappy with the other groups and was paying them little attention which caused us to feel rather uncomfortable with a much more tense atmosphere and left us wondering why she seemed so angry and annoyed – you started to hear mutters around the class of everyone wondering why Brenda was so annoyed , we had never seen her before either so was a strange first impression to receive.

As she went on to score the groups we started to catch on that the way she was acting was all an act and she was doing this on purpose.  It made us all feel uneasy to begin with.  But this act was put in place to help us learn and realise the inequalities that are still vibrant in the classroom between the teachers and the children.

Those with more are seen as more important therefore given far more attention than those with less , this should never happen as each child should be given the attention and support that they require no matter what they have.  If anything, those with less, may possibly need more guidance.  Teachers need to be observant of all children in their care, and support each child with what they need, leading us to see how truly important equality is within the classroom and what a big role it truly plays.

Also after our group caught on to the act we realised we maybe should have given our resources to the groups who had less as we didn’t use every item we were given, but instead we just got on with what we had to do and didn’t think about those who didn’t have as much.  We just let them struggle on and watched Brenda help us and ignore them.

It definitely made me realise you have to pay attention to everybody and give everyone a fair chance or they will fall behind as we can too easily become oblivious to other peoples struggles.