Tag Archives: Placement Proposal

Placement Proposal

I would love the opportunity to take an international route for the learning from life placement. I am very interested in going to Orleans in France to teach English in French schools. Having researched the city and the university, I believe this would be a great way to broaden my horizons and experience a completely different school setting. Teaching classes as well as one on one will not only help me evolve as a student but will also allow me to see how teaching in another country differs from the UK.

I studied French in school to higher level and will be continuing this throughout the languages module this semester. Having a sound understanding of the French language is something that I believe will be valuable when teaching in a French school setting. I believe that being able to speak to the children in their mother tongue will allow me to form good relationships. I also plan to further develop my French stills in the coming months at home to ensure that I am keeping up with the language whilst further developing my pronunciation and grammar skills.

The learning from life placement is one of the reasons Dundee stood out when applying to various Education courses. I believe that having the chance to do an international placement allows students to experience a different culture whilst gaining invaluable life skills. I think one of the benefits of this placement will be, experiencing how educations systems work in another country. Throughout the placement I will be able to compare and evaluate the similarities and differences between France and Scotland. I also believe that it will allow me to develop and build upon skills such as organisation and management. I will be able to take with me everything I have learned from my previous placement experience and further develop and alter these skills to fit the French education system. The challenging nature of the placement is another reason I believe I would thrive throughout this experience. I would love to have the opportunity to use the French I have learned throughout school and university and further develop this.

If given the opportunity to spend my placement in Orleans I would be able to bring my love of language and culture. I believe it is important to have a genuine interest in the country and the language. This will allow me to connect with both staff and pupils when working in the schools. Knowing some of their language shows interest and commitment to the placement and will help to build trust and integrity with colleagues and pupils. I would take full advantage of this incredible opportunity and work hard to make the most of my time there.