MA1 Placement

For our first placement on our journey through our education degree, we have been asked to set goals that we would like to achieve through our time in the classroom.

I think it is going to be such a large learning curve, so I have put specific thought into what aspects I would like to develop.

Behaviour Management:

All children are not the same, as we have learnt through the behaviourist theory. Because of this, I know that I will have to take different approaches towards the behaviour management. The teacher I am working with may have already implemented certain management techniques; I feel that through further reading, I will also be able to achieve this goal, as I will be able to see during placement how it could be implemented.

Lesson Planning:

I believe that getting children involved in the classroom, by different discussion or activities, is very important. I am hoping to put in a lot of time, focusing on aspects that would be relevant to my placement class. As I have not had to do a lesson plan before, I think I may find this difficult at the start, but I am sure that the more time I put into working on the plans, the better they will become.


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