Climb Every Mountain!

So how do we do this?

Spider-Man and Spiderwoman judging by the way these 2 flew up and down the rock face.

Finding those foot holes was hard…

Much easier coming down.

If someone would stop giggling she’d find it easier.

Teamwork is everything.

The deal was if they did the caves Mrs Retson had to climb the rock face.  🤢🤢🤢

And while we’re waiting for our turn…

Yay made it!

Made it at last!


6 thoughts on “Climb Every Mountain!”

  1. Love it! Well done Erin! And loving the “Strike a pose” moment lol!! We all miss you, (especially Team Chaos!), but so glad you’re having a fab time!

  2. Have loved looking at the photos and seeing that you are all having a great time. Safe journey home tomorrow and see you all on Monday

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