7 thoughts on “John Muir Award”

  1. Well done everyone! You’ll enjoy a great sense of achievement once you achieve your John Muir award at the end of the week!

  2. Looks like you’ve all had another great day. Hope you all get a good nights sleep ready for tomorrow xxx

  3. Have fun working towards the John Muir award Zachary. We’re really proud of you. Wish I was joining in all the fun with you 😂💪😘. Be sure to get a good night sleep. Xxxx

  4. So proud of you Charley, what a great achievement to work towards, hope you are having fun while doing it, Georgia says HI but don’t hurry back as she is looking after the Xbox just fine for you Lol xxx
    Love and miss you, enjoy your last couple of nights xx

  5. Enjoy your last full day Jack!!
    Hope you’ve made lots of memories and are having a fab time!
    Miss you and love you loads mum xxxx

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