8 thoughts on “Induction Talk”

  1. Have a great first night Zachary!
    Tabitha say’s she hopes you’re not missing your Xbox too much and she’s stealing your bed tonight.
    Love from us xxx

  2. Have a great time everyone ! Thanks for updating the page so quickly guys . Great photos.
    Amy , Gaz is already yamming at your door looking for his feeder! lol

    Love from Mum & Dad

  3. Hope you’ve had a great first day Jack!!
    Annie’s curled up on your bed keeping it warm for you.
    Hope you all sleep later
    Big love
    Mum xxx

  4. Looks fab guys , what an eventful first day ,👍. Have a great day today Ewan , hope you got a good sleep . Looking forward to today’s pictures 😍

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