
OneDrive is an online storage app.  With your school glow email address you can sign-in and fill your OneDrive with up to 1tb of files.  OneDrive is accessible through all devices and makes moving files from iPad to PC much easier than using a USB cable.


A Padlet is like an online noticeboard.  The Padlet can hold web links, video, photo and text.  The Padlet can be arranged several ways to suit the user.  Padlets are created and shared through the app or website.  Web links or QR codes are used to direct people to your Padlet.  Great for creating step by step instructions.

Shadow Puppets EDU

Shadow Puppets is used to make video presentations.  This is great for pupils to create projects or teachers to create work for a class.  The instructions or part of the instructions can be played back as often as required.  The app uses backgrounds of photos and/or text and a voice over can be recorded.

Green Screen (by Do Ink)

Green Screen does exactly what it says on the tin.  Shoot some video against a green background (set up in S12) and then overlay a suitable background such as news desk, planet or city.  Great for a verbal book report or discussing global warming.

Explain Everything

Explain Everything is a excellent app for making presentations.  You can add photo, video, text, audio and even animate each slide.  You have the ability to type or move items around on the page while dictating and can then produce video podcasts.  Exporting to other apps such as OneDrive is built in for ease.

Book Creator

Book Creator is a good tool to make projects (like textbooks).  The book can contain photo, video, text, audio and drawings.  The book can be published as a pdf file for printing or saving or can be published as a movie where each page is played for a set time.

QR Reader

QR Reader is used to read information from QR Codes.  These codes can easily be made with websites such as Bing.  The codes can give information such as website, text, photo, video, email and social media.  Codes are usually printed but can be read from a screen.