
iMovie is used to make movies (funny that!!).  You can add photo and video  from your iPad and then decorate them with titles, music, sound effects and loads more.  It is fairly easy to use after playing around a few times and movies can be saved to the iPad Photos app.


spiralSpiral is another app that can be used for quizzes, but also class discussions.  Similar to Kahoot!, Teachers sign up to the website and create a class.  The pupils then login to the app with their account (created by the teacher).  Spiral has more features than Kahoot! but is not quite as colourful and fun looking.


kahootKahoot! is a quiz based app that works along side the website.  The quiz is made online through the website and pupils with iPads or phones can then join the quiz with a code supplied by the website. it is very colourful and relatively easy to use. Any quiz created can be saved for future use.

Photo Booth

photo-booth-ios8Photo Booth is an app that is built into the iPad.  It can take photos through the camera with various special effects.  Photo Booth is most likely to disrupt your lesson.  I have yet to find an educational use for Photo Booth and have banned its use in my classroom.