3D CAD Modelling

What will I learn?

CAD (computer-aided design) is the type of software used by architects, engineers, drafters, artists, and various others to create precision drawings, technical illustrations, animations, simulations, computer games or 3D models, to name just a few. Autodesk Inventor Professional software is taught and will be used to assist with the creation of various 2D and 3D projects in this short run course.

How will I learn?

Pupils will use computer based learning to develop their knowledge of different commands on Autodesk Inventor Professional and create different 2D and 3D drawings/models including wireframe and solid models. Pupils will also have the opportunity to investigate virtual reality, animation and simulation as well as CAD/CAM techniques such as 3D Printing.

Skill Focus

During this short course students will develop their knowledge of CAD commands, assembly of parts and CAD drawing standards as well as basic introductory skills used in the process of making 2D and 3D models on Autodesk Inventor Professional.

In addition pupils will also improve IT skills, problem solving and communication skills.

Built Environment

What will I learn?

Every where we go in life there is buildings, monuments, structures etc. yet these all must come from somewhere and don’t just magically appear. This short run course offers an introduction into the architecture aspect of our growing environment and the processes involved with creating our own future. Processes relating to Graphic Communication are delivered and students will have the opportunity to assist in the creation of a small scale model village, fully personalised by the class.

How will I learn?

Pupils will learn through various methods of teaching, utilising a combination of hand and computer work. Co-operative learning is at the core of this course as students will be divided into select teams (jobs) to help with the creation of the scale model.

Skill Focus

During this short course students will develop their knowledge of the built environment and give consideration to the sustainability of our current infrastructure in Scotland. Essential Graphic Communication techniques such as visualisation and scale drawings will be focussed on.

In addition pupils will also improve IT skills, problem solving and communication skills.

Emerging Technologies

What will I learn?

Technology continues to evolve around us every day of life. No matter what new innovation is invented and then released there is always another concept waiting behind to be showcased and implemented. This short run course introduces key emerging technologies that will help drive the Scottish economy forward into the next decade and beyond. Technologies relating to concept cars, game consoles, mobile phones etc.

How will I learn?

Pupils will use computer based learning to develop their knowledge of different emerging technologies and complete a research based task that will be presented in teams before the end of the course.

Skill Focus

This course supports learners to develop:

  • Skills and attitudes for employability
  • Positive attitudes to learning through practical experience
  • Core skills in Communication, Information Technology, and Problem Solving
  • Self-reflection skills to be able to review and improve their learning, by analysing their practical experiences.