
What will I learn?

Learners will develop the skills of reading, listening, talking and writing in order to understand and express themselves in French. They will also study aspects of the culture and people of France.
Learners will also focus on increasing the accuracy of grammar and vocabulary through topics such as media, education and employment.

How will I learn?

Learners will develop literacy skills and develop an understanding of how language works through reading, talking, listening and writing in French. They will reflect on its relationship with English which will help to improve understanding of the English language also. Learners will use textbooks, ICT and interactive approaches like games, language websites and media. Learners will also have opportunities to practice using French for use in real life situations.

How will I be assessed?

A wide variety of methods are used such as peer and self-assessment, classroom discussions and other activities linked to reading, writing, talking and listening in French. Regular feedback from the teacher on class activities and homework, end of unit tests and regular learning of language and vocabulary at school and at home are also features of assessment. Homework will also help to improve reading and writing in French.

Career Opportunities

Languages are highly valued by employers and further and higher education. French is used in many international organisations, such as NATO, the UN, EU institutions, and the World Trade Organisation. It is considered the international language of law and diplomacy. Possible careers include travel and tourism, hospitality, translator/interpreter, law, medicine, finance, engineering, business and enterprise, international organisations, media and broadcasting, marketing and sales, retail, politics, diplomacy, social media, teaching and so on…


What will I learn?

Learners will develop the skills of reading, listening, talking and writing in order to understand and express themselves in German. They will also study aspects of the culture and people of Germany. Learners will also focus on increasing the accuracy of grammar and vocabulary through topics such as media, education and employment.

How will I learn?

Learners will develop literacy skills and develop an understanding of how language works through reading, talking, listening and writing in German. They will reflect on its relationship with English which will help to improve understanding of the English language also. Learners will use textbooks, ICT and interactive approaches like games, language websites and media. Learners will also have opportunities to practice using German for use in real life situations.

How will I be assessed?

A wide variety of methods are used such as peer and self-assessment, classroom discussions and other activities linked to reading, writing, talking and listening in German. Regular feedback from the teacher on class activities and homework, end of unit tests and regular learning of language and vocabulary at school and at home are also features of assessment. Homework will also help to improve reading and writing in German.

Career Opportunities

Languages are highly valued by employers and by institutes of further and higher education.
The German language is the first language of over 100 million people who primarily live in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Possible careers include travel and tourism, hospitality, translator/interpreter, law, medicine, finance, engineering, business and enterprise, international organisations, media and broadcasting, marketing and sales, retail, politics, diplomacy, social media, teaching and so on…