Teaching to me

For me, what made me want to become a teacher isn’t something I can pin point. There hasn’t ever been one experience that flicked a switch and all of a sudden I knew, more a series of events. In my third year of high school you were given the opportunity to gain work experience, I didn’t really know where to go, only that I did want to go somewhere. So, I did the typical thing and I went back to my old primary school. This changed the way I looked at primary school as the teacher I was helping was young, not long out of university and was an inspiration for me. She was exciting, enthusiastic, very in to using technology in a way I never had experienced in primary 1. I think it was her interactive approach that changed my view of things.

Growing up, I had a great education. I went to a great primary school and an even better high school which without either one, I wouldn’t be sat here today. In a way, I wanted to become a teacher to put back into society and education what I gained from school.

If anyone asked me what environment I’d like to work in, it was always between either a hospital or a classroom. Then, I had major back surgery which involved spending a lot of time in hospital or with the staff. Even though I had a great experience and I could not thank the nurses and the doctors enough for all their help and the difference they made to my recovery, I never wanted to see a hospital again! I got to see a lot of what went on behind the scenes and it was more than enough for me to decide that a classroom was definitely the environment for me.

Over the years, spending time with my younger cousins has always been something I loved. Many times growing up have I begged my Mum to take me down to England in the holidays just to see them (they grow up so fast!). It wasn’t till I took higher psychology in 6th year that I realised how fascinating I find child development. Particularly how we learn, how we develop as a person and as an important role in society.

I want to become the kind of teacher who inspires success, ambition and self encouragement. I was home schooled after my surgery and this is when I realised how inspiring my teachers were, they gave up time to come teach me, called to see if I had problems, put together folders to help me teach myself (the time the council allowed was limited). I want to be the kind of teacher that inspires others to be the best and to reach their goals no matter how scary and big. I want to be the teacher who is approachable and makes school as enjoyable as possible. It wasn’t until I realised teachers were inspiring that I realised that’s what I wanted to be.

One thought on “Teaching to me

  1. Hey Ailsa, I loved reading this post! As someone who knew from a young age that teaching was for me it is interesting to hear about someone else’s experience of choosing between careers. Your love for teaching and enthusiasm for becoming an inspirational teacher really comes through in this post which makes it a really enjoyable to read! 🙂


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