Skills and abilities

Activities for unit 1 Personal and Interpersonal Skills and Abilities

  1. Identifying Skills and Abilities

Activity 1

  1. Below are a list of skills and abilities. Complete an audit of where you are now. Record this in your learning journal/portfolio.

Rate yourself (1=Not very well developed; 3=very well developed)

Skills and Abilities 1 2 3
Self confidence                     X
Self-discipline X
Team Work                     X
Act as a Leader                     X
Listen to others                      X
Write for academic purposes                    X
Computing Skills                  X
Be Creative                     X
Problem solving                    X


Activity 2

  1. Complete the audit below, using the information from the table above.
Recognition Reflection Action
Skills already developed How I will use these How do I know (evidence)**
Self confidence Having self-confidence will support me in having a positive attitude towards my studies and practice. I have started to build confidence to allow me to provide lessons and presentations to the best of my ability. This should come with gained experience and knowledge.
Self-discipline I feel I have existing self-discipline through the work I have managed to complete in my recent college. During my time at University, I hope to develop this to aid my planning and organisation.
Team Work I have always felt this was a strength and enjoyment of mine. I feel confident in completing tasks in a group. However, I feel this will be worked on through being more confident in how to share opinions with other professionals such as Social Work and CLD.
Act as a Leader Acting as a leader is an important skill as a teacher to be in control of their classroom and have an identified person for the children to look to and be guided from.
Listen to others I have always felt this has been a strength of mine. This is a key skill in this profession for good communication which will convey important information.
Write for academic purposes I started working on this skill in my HNC, this will be worked on to raise it to a University academic level. This will help to effectively portray what I will learn throughout this degree.
Computing Skills This is an important skill in teaching, especially in this modern technology era. I will continue to develop this skill through online learning, planning, PowerPoints, spreadsheets etc.
Be Creative This is crucial in teaching to create engaging lessons where the children’s enjoyment overcasts the thought of learning and is exciting. This can consist of hands-on learning, imaginative learning, and artistic skills.
Problem solving Throughout my studies and continual learning and development I will meet areas of difficulty and problems. Developing the skill to accept issues and how to work around them will be key to improve my resilience.


Recognition Reflection Action
Skills to be developed How I will develop these How do I know (evidence) **
Act as a leader Over the past year I have made it a conscious effort of mine to improve this skill, with talking in front of a larger number of children and professionals. This year I will develop this skill through a similar means as I will take control of planning and delivering lessons. I will also take more of a leadership role over my professional studies.
Organise and plan I will continue to develop this skill over my studies and into my placements. Over my time in primary classes, I will organise and plan to suit children’s needs and prepare with appropriate resources.
Debate formally and informally I will debate with other students in others in my seminars, online class and in general conversation.
Build social networks I will build networks and connections with new professionals through my studies and placement. Social networks will also exist with other University students.
Think critically I will develop this by reviewing my essays, my planning, and my lessons. This will provide context for future learning and development.
Generate new ideas I will try to develop this skill by being creative and looking towards new and innovative practice by researching, discussing and brainstorming.

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