Category Archives: UoDEdushare

Why teaching for me?

I decided that I wanted to become a teacher at a young age and have never really changed my mind about it. Seeing my teachers enjoy themselves made me think that a career in teaching would be good for me. Teaching is more than just educating children but making sure they develop socially and emotionally. I also think that working with children is so unpredictable that there would never be a dull day. Yes, it can be stressful but at the end of the day it’s worth it.

I like that as a teacher you also get the opportunity to learn and then impart that knowledge to your pupils, for example learning and teaching modern languages has become a big part of primary teaching and I think it’s something that I could enjoy. Also working with other teachers to get inspiration and collaborate is also rewarding as they may open your eyes to new and exciting methods.

I have worked with children in different settings, I have volunteered with brownies for five years and did work experience in a primary school. This has helped me be more certain about my choice. Even just seeing the group of children for a few hours every week has had such a huge impact on me as the satisfaction of helping a child do their work and even just chatting with them is so rewarding. I studied early education and childcare at college during my sixth year at academy. This gave me an insight into how children develop and how we as teachers, early years practitioners, social workers etc, can have such a big influence on them as they work their way through their school careers.

Although not every child is the same it is useful to see how we can assist them to do the best they can. These children are the future and it’s important to teach them in order for them to reach their full potential. A good teacher can male a huge difference in a pupils learning and its important to make sure you have the skills available to do so.