MA1 Placement

In preparation for our four week block placement (1PP1b), we need to establish and record professional goals that we aim to meet, or at least be hitting once 1PP1b is concluding.

Establishing professional goals is a key part in becoming a teacher, as one must consistently and constantly adapt their practice in order to meet the ever-changing needs of the individuals within their care. Goals allow for a professional to make targets that they aim to meet so that they can provide the best teaching for the children in the class.

Using the pre-visit day, observation weeks (1PP1a) and professional reading as points of reflection, I hope to be meeting these specific areas of teaching in order to be a successful learning practitioner by establishing these 4 goals:

1. Teaching and Learning – Organisation and Management (3.1.1):

I hope to be able to create lessons that are productive in learning whilst being inclusive of all the learning needs within the class. My lesson plans should always incorporate the various needs of the learners within the class, which will underpin my practice as a whole.

Differentiation is a key part in being a successful teacher and it can only be established through structured organisation and management of the class, therefore, I hope to tackle being an organised professional in terms of considering all the pupils on an individual level when planning for the whole class.

plan appropriately for effective teaching in order to meet the needs of all learners, including learning in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and skills for learning, life and work” (GTCS, 2012, pg.13).

I will need to read professional teaching books, try different strategies I’ve read about and seek the advice of the staff in my primary school to meet this goal

2. Understanding of the Curricular Areas (2.1.2):

In order to provide the best possible learning environment for the pupils within my class, I must improve my own knowledge and deeper understanding of curricular areas and the various topics that they will be learning. I must seek out professional reading and documents to improve my own understanding in subjects that I feel I may struggle within (Mathematics and Science being two examples) or subjects that require the deeper pedagogical understanding to be taught effectively.

As I will be expected to teach all the different aspects of the curriculum, I feel its best to set a goal in regards to improving my competence within the curricular areas.

“acquire knowledge and understanding of theory and practical skills in curricular areas, referring to local and national guidance” (GTCS, 2012, pg. 7).

To meet this goal I will need to make clear plans of what my mentor teacher is hoping to teach the class whilst I am there and then read into these subjects and look at the Experiences and Outcome documents when creating my lesson plans to make sure I am covering CfE appropriately

3. Integrity (1.2):

“Critically examining the connections between personal and professional attitudes and beliefs, values and practices to effect improvement and, when appropriate, bring about transformative change in practice.” (GTCS, 2012, pg. 6)

Integrity is a core part of being a socially just, and professionally committed teacher. Within my practice, I hope to seek the advice of other professionals and gain their insight on being successful within teaching. Furthermore, I hope to use any advice positively and reflect upon it and make changes to my practice accordingly. Reading will also help me to further cement my professional values and beliefs within my practice.

4. Positive Behaviour and Relationships (3.2.2):

I hope to implement the already existing behaviour strategies in place by my mentor teacher, but also try various different management techniques that link with the school’s policy on behaviour. As a student teacher, being authoritative with the class may be tricky and I hope to make it a key goal.

Trust and respect are needed first and foremost to prevent misbehaviour and I really want to get to know the kids within my class for who they are as individual learners in a professional manner and getting to grips with positive behaviour strategies will allow me to do this effectively.

For many of the children, a new face may be daunting for them so being consistent to what they know is crucial to enforcing positive behaviour and relationships.

“show awareness of educational research and local and national advice, and demonstrate the ability to use a variety of strategies to build relationships with learners, promote positive behaviour and celebrate success;” (GTCS, 2012, pg. 17).

This goal will be met by discussing with my mentor teacher what strategies they use with the class and then seeing how they respond to these strategies. Further inquisition into other strategies will also be beneficial for my practice. Getting to know the children in the class is also a huge way in which I will meet the goal of managing the classroom effectively.

Overall, my professional goals are:

  1. Be well organised in establishing a learning environment that incorporates everyone in the learning journey and, get to grips with differentiating the class (section 3).
  2. Improve my knowledge within the pedagogy and underlying theory behind the curricular areas taught at my class’ level (section 2).
  3. Be open to all advice and implement the feedback given by professionals within my practice and be critical of my lessons (section 1).
  4. Be consistent with the positive behaviour strategy and try various methods that tie into the school’s ethos and whole-school policies and get to know the children within my class to understand how to keep them engaged in their learning (section 3).


GTCS. (2012) General Teaching Council for Scotland – The Standards for Registration: mandatory requirements for Registration with the General Teaching Council for Scotland, Available at:  (Accessed: 18th of March 2017).


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