Monthly Archives: October 2016

Identifying Skills and Abilities – Activity 1

Being a teacher involves more than just learning a curriculum.

Standing up day in and day out teaching a course to a class is no good for the students nor is it any good for the teacher themselves. It is an occupation that requires self-evaluation on a constant basis. Reflecting on your own skills and abilities allows for you to not only understand where you are as a professional, but also where the people you interact with are. Knowing your strengths and your weaknesses is the first step of being able to go further as a person both personally and professionally.

Our first activity on the online unit was to identify skills and abilities and pin point how confident we are in employing them. We also had to give a rating (1 being not very developed and 3 being very well developed) on how strongly we feel about each skill and ability currently.

As we progress through the year, we are to update this table and expand on our strategy to develop the skills we may not feel very confident in using. We also have to comment how we hope to maintain the skills and abilities we may already have. Furthermore, activity 2 delves deeper into our own reflection of our skills and how we take/will take action on improving our skills.

Moving forward, I hope to work on the skills that I lack confidence in and to hopefully bring them up to a very well development on the table.

Skills and Abilities                1






Self Confidence


Self Discipline


Working Under Pressure


Setting Personal Goals


Taking Risks


Sharing Opinions Confidently




Taking Responsibility


Building Social Networks


Managing Time


Acting as a Leader




Making Presentations


Listening to Others


Debating Formally/Informally


Contributing to Discussions




Taking Notes


Writing for academic purposes


Computing Skills


Being Creative


Using Technology


Problem Solving


Generating New Ideas


Working on Initiative


Organisation and Planning


Critical Thinking


Evaluating Information
