Reading: Chapter Five – Hargie (2011) Independent Study Task 25/09/17

Chapter 5 of ‘Finding out about others: the skill of questioning’, in Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice. 5th ed. London: Routledge informs readers that asking questions is a fundamental part of communication as questions are the root of conversation. There are many key themes discussed frequently throughout this text including; … Continue reading Reading: Chapter Five – Hargie (2011) Independent Study Task 25/09/17

Chapter 5 of ‘Finding out about others: the skill of questioning’, in Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice. 5th ed. London: Routledge informs readers that asking questions is a fundamental part of communication as questions are the root of conversation. There are many key themes discussed frequently throughout this text including; the importance of questions, the many different types of questions, the affect questions have on children and the significance of questions in a classroom environment.
Whilst discussing the importance of questions, due to the results of his previous research, Hargie claims that without questions, interaction “eventually dies”. To support this claim, Hargie tells us that in his communication classes, he includes an exercise involving four volunteers attempting to discuss ‘the events of the week’ without asking any questions. From results, Hargie noticed that conversation either remains very difficult or someone quickly asks a question. Contestants on game shoes can win large sums of money simply for knowing the answers to questions; interviewers become well-known for being able to ask fellow celebrities the correct questions people want the answers to; skilled detectives can break down suspects through insightful questions. These examples support Hargie’s claims that questions are important in many aspects in life.
Many different types of questions are described frequently through this text, examples being: closed questions, open questions, leading questions and rhetorical questions. Cook (2009) believes that questions play a crucial role in child development for learning and maturing. Certain types of questions, such as leading questions, have an effect on the responses of children. Hardy and Van Leeuwan (2004) established that young children were less able to fight suggestion than older generations meaning that their responses were not always completely accurate if they faced an influential question.
Dillon (1982) reviewed the great amount of research into questions while teaching that has been completely and reported that teachers ask approximately 2 questions per minute whereas pupils only ask around 2 questions per hour. However, when teachers were surveyed, they believed they asked 3 times less questions that they truly did and thought pupils asked 6 times more questions than they actually do.
One point made by Hargie that I would disagree with is when he stated that open questions produce accurate responses. I would disagree with this because open questions can lead to a person going on a tangent and becoming distracted from what the question is truly asking therefore you do not get an appropriate answer you anticipated.
Reference List:
‘Finding out about others: the skill of questioning’, in Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice. 5th ed. London: Routledge.

Situated Communication Independant Study Task 25/09/2017

˜Finding out about others: the skill of questioning Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practise. 5th ed. London: Routledge, Chapter 5, p117-153 Personally I believe that the aim of this chapter is to develop an understanding of questioning, the importance of questioning and the relationship between questions and learning. In addition, probes …

˜Finding out about others: the skill of questioning Hargie, O. (2011)

    Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practise. 5th ed.

London: Routledge, Chapter 5, p117-153

Personally I believe that the aim of this chapter is to develop an understanding of questioning, the importance of questioning and the relationship between questions and learning. In addition, probes are developed in the chapter with their specific link to questioning.

The theme of education was developed throughout the text. This is represented through the importance of questioning to develop a wider understanding of specific topics or outcomes.

As well as this, authority can be examined as a theme in the sense that asking or answering questions can give control and dominance to the interrogator or the latter.

The topic of teacher to pupil questions is investigated. This is aroused by a discussion regarding the importance of children’s maturity and development through the experience of questioning and answering. This is then backed up by many statistics, however I found Dillon (1982) to have the most influential and understanding point:

“In a review of such studies, Dillon(1982) reported results to show that teachers ask about two questions per minute while their pupils ask about two questions per minute, while their pupils taken as a whole only ask around two questions per hour, giving an average of one question per pupil per month.”

Specifically within chapter 5 an argument is formed around arrogant thoughts of patients when enquiring with healthcare professionals. This is obviously regarding someone’s own health, if this is the case nobody should jeprodise their health for the sake of asking a silly question. In fact professionals want you to ask questions so that they know how well you have grasped your diagnosis. The argument however is classed as invalid due to the modern self diagnosis from the likes of ‘Dr Google’.

I found the chapter as a whole rather self explanatory and repetitive due to the nature of the document. I personally did not disagree with any of the points mentioned in the text, it was more a matter of not potentially grasping some points as well as others.

Unambiguously was a word which had drawn in my attention. This means to make something unclear.

Echo probes are used to reiterate what a person has said in a slightly different context to adapt further questioning.

BA 1 Situated Communication Task: The Skill of Questioning

Due to reading this chapter I feel the aim is to help people recognise the importance and power of questioning. The skill of questioning is found in every area of … Continue reading

Due to reading this chapter I feel the aim is to help people recognise the importance and power of questioning. The skill of questioning is found in every area of society and social interaction and begins at a young age as children are keen to learn about the world and environment around them.

A theme portrayed throughout this chapter is the effectiveness and crucial role questioning has in a child’s development, maturation and everyday life. Which leads into the idea given of how parents should listen to their children’s questions and take the time to answer them and help them understand what it is they want to know. Other themes within this chapter include the power of questions, the different types of questions and the effects they have as well as the responses people give when asked question and why they may respond this way.

The way people and children respond to questions depends on how the question is asked and how comfortable the person is when answering. Similarly how comfortable a person or child is has an effect on whether or not they themselves will ask a question. The chapter identifies that children within the classroom are less likely to ask questions or respond to questions being asked out of fear of getting a negative reaction from their classmates and their teacher.

The power of questioning is just that, power, depending on the situation the skill of question can be seen as a negative tool while trying to gain information. However I feel that this view of questioning should be challenged as not all questions are designed to make people uncomfortable and stressed. Questioning is an important skill and should not be abused so that the questioner feels like they are above those being questioned as this creates an uneven balance in power. While also creating a negative view on the technique, skill and importance of asking questions to gather necessary information which should be encouraged and not discouraged.


Reference List:

‘Finding out about others: the skill of questioning’, in Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice. 5th ed. London: Routledge.

Situated Communication: Independent Study 25.09.17

I believe that the main aim of this chapter is to highlight that questions are key to communication. It would be extremely difficult to communicate with other people if questions were not involved. Also, that questions can be very beneficial to us when communicating with other people. Some of the main themes established in this […]

I believe that the main aim of this chapter is to highlight that questions are key to communication. It would be extremely difficult to communicate with other people if questions were not involved. Also, that questions can be very beneficial to us when communicating with other people. Some of the main themes established in this chapter are the importance and complexity of questions, education and children.

One claim that is made in the chapter is that it is very important for children to ask questions. However, in a classroom setting they may be too afraid to ask questions. This may be due to the fear of being wrong or being too embarrassed to speak out in front of other classmates. This can be backed up as Tizard et al (1983) who found that “on average per hour the children asked 24 questions at home and only 1.4 at school”.

An argument that is highlighted in the chapter is that “asking questions is a fundamental part of communication and as such will be an important factor in the work of many professionals”. This statement was made by Walterman et al (2001:477). I agree with this statement as questions play a main role in communication.

I strongly agree with the majority of the chapter. However, I disagree with the statement that suggests that questions are uneffective when asked in a large audience. I believe that questions can always be beneficial to some extent and when interactive questions are asked within large audiences it will always benefit someone and also help to consolidate information.

Reference List:

‘Finding out about others: the skill of questioning’, in Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice. 5th ed. London: Routledge.

Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and practice- Hargie

Skilled Interpersonal Communication Research, Theory and Practice- Hargie, Owen.  Finding out about others: the skill of questioning. A main aim of the chapter was to explore in-depth the qualities, purposes and potentials of questioning, but also explains that with the correct techniques, questioning can be of great assistance within the ability to learn, grow and … Continue reading Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and practice- Hargie

Skilled Interpersonal Communication Research, Theory and Practice- Hargie, Owen.  Finding out about others: the skill of questioning.

A main aim of the chapter was to explore in-depth the qualities, purposes and potentials of questioning, but also explains that with the correct techniques, questioning can be of great assistance within the ability to learn, grow and build upon knowledge. This therefore enables both the teacher and learner to immerse themselves fully within the subject matter; perhaps in the form of challenging difference approaches or requesting information.

A key theme within the chapter is the psychology of asking and answering questions. An example of this is found on page 138 when explaining the ‘acquiescence effect’ which is supported by evidence; ‘the Moses illusion’ (Erikson and Mattison 1981). The chapter is laced with the theme of the psychology behind asking and answering questions without explicitly stating it. Another example is found on page 140 with the ‘effects of leading questions on children’ -supported by the child abuse scandals during the 1990’s- in which questions were asked in such a way where the children’s answers could be easily manipulated and perceived to an extent where it disproved the abuse accusations.

Another theme within the text is how questioning is imperative for an enriched and fulfilled learning experience. The chapter is constantly reinforcing the idea that there is a link between questions and learning within the classroom; for example, in the text, Dillon (1982)’s research shows that teachers ask approximately two questions a minute, whereas students may only ask two questions an hour. The chapter then goes on to explain what may be hampering the students desire to ask questions.

The chapter claims that there is a reason behind student’s inability to ask questions within the classroom and that reason is the anxiety of a negative reaction from the other students. This is then supported from evidence by a number of different studies such as Daly et al (1994) discovering a negative correlation between question asking and ages in pupils and another study also conducted by Daly that found certain groups of individuals that were more likely to ask questions than others; these groups included people within high-income bracket and males.

Hargie also argues the importance of parental involvement within a child’s ability to ask questions- he argues that parents should take the time out to answer any questions their child may have as the response is viewed as a reward by the child.

I agree with the majority of arguments, theories and claims within chapter 5. Something that came to my attention was the section on ‘the effects of leading questions upon children’ as I am a strong believer that people, especially children should be made more aware and educated on leading questions and how to spot a leading question. However, what I did disagree within this section is that I believe although children are more susceptible to ‘falling into the trap’ of a leading question, I believe adults are too, especially those that are considered less educated. Leading questions may be dangerous; shaping the media and journalism but may also be present within courtrooms- potentially ruining lives through the subtle manipulation of responses.







BA 1 – Situated Communication, Independent Study Task

‘Finding out about others: the skill of questioning.’ Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice. Chapter 5. The main aim of Chapter 5 is to understand and analyse the importance of questions, in which Hargie further explains by discussing the different types of questions and how these questions could be asked depending … Continue reading BA 1 – Situated Communication, Independent Study Task

‘Finding out about others: the skill of questioning.’ Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice. Chapter 5.

The main aim of Chapter 5 is to understand and analyse the importance of questions, in which Hargie further explains by discussing the different types of questions and how these questions could be asked depending on context, as well as the response required.

There are many different themes explored throughout this chapter. Hargie starts by highlighting the importance for parents to be involved in listening and answering their child’s questions, as these questions in fact enhance the child’s learning process. It is very important for the child’s development that parents take time to answer these questions. (Cook,2009) In terms of questions in a classroom environment, Hargie states that children tend to ask significantly more questions at home rather than in school. The reason for this is that the students ‘reluctance to ask questions in class is fear of a negative reaction from classmates.’ (Dillon,1988) I agree with this statement as from my personal experience I would tend not to ask questions in the classroom due to fear.

Furthermore, Hargie explores the different types of questioning in context, for example, questions asked when at the doctors. Brashers et al. (2002: 259) found that ‘Physicians ask most of the questions and patients provide most of the information.’ However, in many situations like this example, some patients are wary of asking the doctor questions due to feeling uncomfortable or fear of appearing ignorant (Roter and Hall, 2006). I disagree slightly with the last statement as from previous experience the doctor has always been willing to answer any question I may ask, but I understand why some patients may feel uncomfortable in doing so.

To conclude, I found reading this chapter beneficial as it has helped to develop my understanding of the importance of questions. In terms of teaching, it has helped me to ensure that when a child asks a question it is important to respond to the question fully so that the child can understand and not struggle.

Reference List

‘Finding out about others: the skill of questioning’ Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice. 5th ed. London: Routledge.

BA1 Education, Situated Communication, Reading Task: Chapter 5, The Skill of Questioning

The main aim of this chapter is to analyse uses and purposes of various types and structures of questions being used in social circumstances.  Some things that are discussed include, what questions are, describing questions used in context and, power of questions and responses. One claim of this chapter is that children ask a lot … Continue reading BA1 Education, Situated Communication, Reading Task: Chapter 5, The Skill of Questioning

The main aim of this chapter is to analyse uses and purposes of various types and structures of questions being used in social circumstances.  Some things that are discussed include, what questions are, describing questions used in context and, power of questions and responses.

One claim of this chapter is that children ask a lot of questions because they are learning and trying to make sense of things.  “This stage, questions play a crucial role in their learning and maturing process.”

One argument presented in this chapter is that questions are one of the most important things concerning communication.  “Questions are the heart of social interaction.”  They give us power and potential.

I agree with most of the ideas and arguments presented presented in this chapter i.e. questions being the centre of communication.  However I disagree with the study about children being at ease with answering/asking questions being “males, whites, higher-income…”  This may be the case in some classes but not all and shouldn’t be used as a factor.

There were a few words I didn’t know the meaning of so I looked up the definitions, i.e. “cognitive” being the mental processes of perception, memory, judgement and reasoning.

Some concepts in this chapter include responses, probes and pausing.  Pausing is a silent probe that can encourage thought, questioning or even getting the pupils to fully concentrate.

overall i think this chapter was very insightful into the way we use questions and the reasoning behind it.


Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice, 5th ed. London: Routledge.

Review of Chapter 5 – ‘Finding Out About Others: The Skill Of Questioning.’

Aim- The aim of this chapter is to show the importance of asking questions; there would be no form of communication without it and taking part in social situations would lack any kind of control as questioning is a very big part of our how we speak with people. Asking questions is a skills that … Continue reading “Review of Chapter 5 – ‘Finding Out About Others: The Skill Of Questioning.’”


The aim of this chapter is to show the importance of asking questions; there would be no form of communication without it and taking part in social situations would lack any kind of control as questioning is a very big part of our how we speak with people. Asking questions is a skills that is developed and has to be worked on as you really have to understand what is being said by the other person.


One of the themes highlighted in this chapter is the importance of asking questions:
“Asking questions is a fundamental part of communication, and as such will be an important factor in the work of many professionals.”
-(Mokros and Aakhus, 2002). As Waterman et al (2001:477)Questioning is a very interactive skill and encourages conversation by making it flow more easily. It also allows us to communicate and speak to others whilst having more knowledge and understanding with what they are talking about. We can also see questions used in the show business, for example, there are television programmes from which you can make a large sum of money by asking questions. It has been shown how much humans actually rely on being able to ask questions in their day-to-day life.

It is seen in children that questioning is a human instinct to help us gather information and be able to make sense of it. Children do this a lot as their brains are less developed and it can be harder for them to understand something simple that adults have no problem with.             This chapter also explains how complex asking questions actually is; it is a skill we have to constantly develop and it shows a real understanding of what the person is actually talking about as we have to form a question in our head based on what was said:
‘While at a surface level questioning seems to be a straightforward feature of communication, deeper analysis, functional, structural and textual levels reveals questioning to be a complex and multifaceted phenomenon’
– Hargie (2006:121)

There is a claim made by a US study that says pupils in high school             (between the ages of 13-16) struggle more with asking questions compared to the younger children in primary school as they feared what kind of reaction their classmates would have and it could give them a negative correlation as being stupid. Those that were comfortable tend to be; white, male, higher-income, those with higher self-esteem, those who felt accepted by the teacher. I don’t necessarily agree with this as from my experience I don’t fit into many of these categories yet I did feel comfortable asking questions in front of the class.


Chapter five, ‘Finding out about others: the skill of questioning’, in Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice. 5th ed. London: Routledge.



Supplementary Task – Experiences at UWS

My experience at UWS so far has been thoroughly enjoyable. The first few weeks have gone in so quickly; I can’t believe we will be starting week 4 on Monday. I feel privileged to have a place on the BA Honours Education. At first, I was apprehensive about starting as I was unsure of what …

Continue reading “Supplementary Task – Experiences at UWS”

My experience at UWS so far has been thoroughly enjoyable. The first few weeks have gone in so quickly; I can’t believe we will be starting week 4 on Monday. I feel privileged to have a place on the BA Honours Education. At first, I was apprehensive about starting as I was unsure of what to expect, and being one of the youngest students (17), I was uncertain of how I would fit in with student life.

Since starting the course, I have learned a great deal about myself and overcame my anxieties. The module Situated Communications has helped myself to come out of my comfort zone especially in the workshops; it has built my confidence considerably. In addition, I felt a little uncomfortable about the Mathematics for Understanding module as I never really liked Maths it was a subject I struggled with at school. But, with lots of challenging work and determination I managed to get a B in Higher Maths. After having a few weeks of Mathematics for Understanding lectures and tutorials, I feel more comfortable with Maths and I feel able to ask any questions if I do not understand a certain concept.

Overall, I feel I have settled in very well to the University of the West of Scotland and have met many wonderful and inspiring people.


BA1 – Situated Communication Independent Study/Reading Task

‘Finding out about others: the skill of questioning’ Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice. Chapter 5 The main aim of chapter 5 is to highlight the importance of questions within communication. Hargie also focuses on the types of questions and how they may be asked depending on a specific situation and …

Continue reading “BA1 – Situated Communication Independent Study/Reading Task”

‘Finding out about others: the skill of questioning’ Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice. Chapter 5

The main aim of chapter 5 is to highlight the importance of questions within communication. Hargie also focuses on the types of questions and how they may be asked depending on a specific situation and what kind of response the questioner requires.

There are a few main themes within this chapter. Hargie highlights that questioning children enhances their learning process and answers their curiosity. “It is very important for the child’s development that parents take time to answer these questions.” (Cook, 2009) Some students did not want to answer questions in class as they were worried they would get a pessimistic response from their class peers – Tizard et al. (1983) conducted an experiment to prove this. I agree with this conclusion from Tizard et al. as I was hesitant as a pupil to ask a question in class in case it was a silly question or my peers thought I was not coping with the work.

Hargie compares several types of questioning with doctors and patients and explains how the questioner (doctor) has more control over the conversation. The respondent may feel under pressure to answer the question as the questioner may already know the answer. Brashers et al. (2002: 259) discovered that doctors ask the most questions and patients contribute with explanations. It was found that when patients did ask questions the doctor was wearisome and uncomfortable. I agree with this as some doctors in the working profession may feel intimidated by a patient asking questions. But, I also disagree as any personal experience I have had the doctor has always been willing to answer any of my questions with a sufficient explanation.

Hargie discussed the advantages and disadvantages of open and closed questions by comparing them. Closed questions usually have a correct response whereas open questions, the response is left open and the respondent is in more control of the conversation. This is a substantial claim as closed questions keep the respondent  on the topic of the question while open questions can be answered in more detail and are more likely to veer from the topic. They are also more time consuming as the respondent’s answer tends to be longer.

Overall, by reading this chapter my knowledge of questioning has expanded and I now have further understanding of the importance of questions in everyday situations. In teaching practice, I will ensure I answer each child’s question carefully with a full explanation and ensure they understand before moving on.

Reference List
‘Finding out about others: the skill of questioning’ Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled Interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and Practice. 5th ed. London: Routledge.


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