Den Building- SitCom

Group and leadership Within the group, there was a team leader. This naturally happened due to the skills the person already had in this area and so they were able to give good advice throughout the task making this very beneficial for the team. It was clear who the team leader was as they knew … Continue reading “Den Building- SitCom”

Group and leadership

Within the group, there was a team leader. This naturally happened due to the skills the person already had in this area and so they were able to give good advice throughout the task making this very beneficial for the team. It was clear who the team leader was as they knew what to do, and shared their knowledge with the team while encouraging them. I feel everyone was included and they each had their own role in helping to complete the task. A challenge I faced was that I was working with some people I did not know very well and so did not know their strengths and weaknesses.



The group explained how they created their den well. This was very clear as they were able to show how they created their den with the resources they had and how they came up with this idea. I think maybe more planning could have been done.



Within this environment I felt I had to project my voice more than I would in a classroom setting at it was a more open area and also had other groups nearby. As well as this I found myself getting slightly distracted within this environment. To help prevent children from getting distracted when listening in this environment I could gather them in an area where there is little distraction such as a corner.



I think our group were successful when it came to negotiating as we were able to gain resources which we needed in order to improve our den. The most challenging part about negotiating was trying to convince other teams to swap their resources as they were already using many of them or already had the same resources and so were unwilling to trade.

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