Feedback and Self Evaluation

I worked with Tayler to discuss and compare our feedback checklists. We both agreed with that his strengths were that he spoke very clearly and and at a suitable volume for the classroom setting. In addition, we both agreed that he maintained good eye contact with his pupils  throughout. An area of development for the … Continue reading Feedback and Self Evaluation

I worked with Tayler to discuss and compare our feedback checklists. We both agreed with that his strengths were that he spoke very clearly and and at a suitable volume for the classroom setting. In addition, we both agreed that he maintained good eye contact with his pupils  throughout. An area of development for the teacher would be to help expand his pupils answers and responses to help support their learning. There were no surprises when comparing my checklist with Tayler as we had very similar results.

I found these tasks fairly easy due to being given the feedback checklist. It made it really clear how to answer and helped me notice positive and negatives things in the way he presents and teaches.

Feedback can be a very positive experience if the person giving it is being critical to help you improve. Without the intentions to help you better yourself then it is just judgement which doesn’t help anyone thrive.

If there was only one thing I could take from these tasks it would be that there are good ways and bad ways to give feedback. Feedback is a great tool if given in a way that helps expand learning and not just put you down about what you’ve done wrong. I will take this with me on placement in future years and onto the career when giving feedback to pupils, whether that be homework or class talks.

I am excited for placement but also very nervous. It will be a great experience and can’t wait to see all the theory we have been learning in practice.

Situated Communication Feedback Workshop

Independent Task – Feedback Both Heather and myself had very similar reactions to the videos. We both agreed that two strengths of the teacher were: The teacher spoke clearly and at an adequate volume insuring all children could clearly hear him. He ensured he had eye contact with all pupils in the classroom. One area …

Continue reading “Situated Communication Feedback Workshop”

Independent Task – Feedback

Both Heather and myself had very similar reactions to the videos. We both agreed that two strengths of the teacher were:

  1. The teacher spoke clearly and at an adequate volume insuring all children could clearly hear him.
  2. He ensured he had eye contact with all pupils in the classroom.

One area for development that we both identified was:

  1. The teacher did not often help the pupils expand on their own responses.

I found this particular task quite easy. I think the check-list helped a lot as it gave you specific behaviours to look out for.

Feedback and Judgement.

There is a difference between feedback and judgement. I believe that critical feedback is essential but there is a line between being critical and being judgemental. You must try and portray critical feedback in a way that does not come across as negative judgement.

One thing I will take to placement.

From watching the videos I have realised that verbal communication is just as important as non-verbal communication. It is essential to ensure I am speaking at an adequate volume but also making eye contact and positive body language to engage all pupils as best as I can.


I am very eager to start placement but I am somewhat nervous. I am a little worried about the workload and keeping up with formative assignments as well as placement task sheets but hopefully I can manage my time proportionally.

Shared Observation Feedback 22-10-18

My partners observations were very closely aligned with my own, we agreed on strengths such as the teacher making the classroom a fun place to enter in the morning by greeting each child and using “fun” language; e.g. “Ok ladies and jelly beans sit down now”, the teacher also used positive feedback and phrases to …

My partners observations were very closely aligned with my own, we agreed on strengths such as the teacher making the classroom a fun place to enter in the morning by greeting each child and using “fun” language; e.g. “Ok ladies and jelly beans sit down now”, the teacher also used positive feedback and phrases to praise the children; e.g. “good girl”, “good boy”, “well done” and “smashing”.

I was surprised that the teacher spoke to Michael with a harsh, aggressive tone and raised voice. I felt that this could be upsetting for Michael and the other children in the classroom.

My partner’s notes were very similar to my own, many of the observed strengths and areas for improvement were clear to see in the video, this made the task quite an easy one.

Feedback is a constructive and positive way to practice, whereas judgement is a negative practice, is based on assumption and is often unkind.

If I could take only one idea from these tasks I would take the idea of “always develop and demonstrate a growth mindset with your pupils” because I believe that it is one of the most important ideas to develop resilience in children.

I am excited about going to my first placement but am also anxious as I am not sure what to expect and am worried that I may not keep up with the workload of tasks and the formative assignment.

Shared Observation Feedback 22.10.18

My partner and I both noted that the teacher spoke with adequate volume all of the time. The teacher enunciated his words clearly. He made the classroom fun to enter, “Ok ladies and jelly beans sit down now”. This is a strength as he starts the class off with a positive, joyful attitude. This gives […]

My partner and I both noted that the teacher spoke with adequate volume all of the time. The teacher enunciated his words clearly. He made the classroom fun to enter, “Ok ladies and jelly beans sit down now”. This is a strength as he starts the class off with a positive, joyful attitude. This gives the classroom a great atmosphere. He had strategies for helping children who were struggling such as shortened targets, this again is a strength.

Raising his voice quite considerably when he was speaking to Michael, this could be seen as quite frightening for the child. This was an area for improvement, he could have asked Michael what the issue was and he could have asked what could have been done to help the situation.

I was surprised at his sharp, aggressive tone with the children at certain points. I was also surprised that my notes and observations were very similar to that of my partners. I didn’t find the tasks too difficult. Most of the teachers strengths and areas of improvement were very clear to hear and see.

Feedback in an important practice as it allows us to build into a better teacher. It allows us to see areas of improvement where maybe we didn’t realise we needed them. Judgement of a teacher is not positive practice because it is not constructive.

If there is one thing i could take away from these tasks then it would be to help develop a positive attitude and mindset in the children.

I am feeling really excited about placement. I am looking forward to seeing the methods the teacher uses to keep the children disciplined and how they teach certain subjects such as literacy and maths. As a fitness instructor and a person who is very keen on health and fitness amongst children, i am particularly interested in seeing how the health and well being is being taught in the school and if there is anything i can do to help.


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