The focus of today’s inputs was Inclusion and Equality with a particular ‘focus on disability’. The lecture was rather insightful and enabled me to reflective on how equal our society really is. I was able to build upon what I learnt from last week’s lecture specifically the Equality Act 2010 and how this legislation can … Continue reading Inclusion and Equality- ‘Focus on Disability’ →
The focus of today’s inputs was Inclusion and Equality with a particular ‘focus on disability’. The lecture was rather insightful and enabled me to reflective on how equal our society really is. I was able to build upon what I learnt from last week’s lecture specifically the Equality Act 2010 and how this legislation can aid those with disabilities, however this act can be at times complex as it is not air type and is opened to opinions and views. Similarly, to the Equality Act there is Addition Support Needs Act 2004/2009, which is a much wider term and supports a broader range of needs- emotional, physically, behavioural, social and mental.
The aspect of the lecture I considered most penetrative was the disability right movements as it was not until the 1950’s that people with disabilities started to gain access and independence to services, however still encountered inequality whether it was at work or outside the work place. I learnt the importance of disability can be reduced or eliminated by changing society, even by making slight changes. What was striking for myself was attitudes in past years and limited changes being made for people who have impairments, only recent years have attitudes changed and thankfully our society is increasingly becoming more diverse, and more citizens with impairments are going beyond their impairments and contribute their skills, gifts and strengths to the wider society. It Is therefore pivotal as a student teacher/ perspective teacher to engage with diversity and adapt the classroom to the needs of pupils but also discuss with pupils regarding the importance of diversity and importance of anti-discrimination in our society.
Today was the first time that have heard of the term ‘Universal Design’, this alludes to the designing of buildings that considers everyone and can be used by anyone regardless of their needs. Most significantly stairs being replaced by ramps. This term highlights that diversity is normal.
Likewise, today I was able to advance my knowledge regarding key scholars: Mel Ainscow, Lani Florian, Nancy Fraser, John Rawls
Scholar John Rawls theory stood, he wrote a book about social justice which looked at the equality of those less advantaged in order to serve everyone well. He created a structure and activities that is suitable for all. He also raised the issue that decision makers should consider everyone in society and not just showing interest in individual by human diversity as a whole.