The Glasgow Effect

The Glasgow Effect focuses on the different health outcomes in UK cities. The main question The Glasgow Effect looks at is why the health outcomes in UK cities differ. Why is it that equally deprived cities have different outcomes? Scotland has a very poor health profile compared to the rest of Europe. In Scotland, we … Continue reading The Glasgow Effect

The Glasgow Effect focuses on the different health outcomes in UK cities. The main question The Glasgow Effect looks at is why the health outcomes in UK cities differ. Why is it that equally deprived cities have different outcomes?

Scotland has a very poor health profile compared to the rest of Europe. In Scotland, we have the highest mortality rates and lowest life expectancy in the west of Europe. This makes Scotland the most unhealthy country in the UK.

Scotland is well known for its fried food, Irn Bru and excessive drinking, which have massive impacts on a person’s health. Society play’s a big part in Scotland culture. It could be said that Scottish people may be forced to eat fattening foods and drink alcohol because of the massive influence around them. For example, parents could lead a child to eat unhealthily, and peer pressure may lead people to drink excessively. Looking at deprivation in Scotland, fruit and vegetables can be expensive which may lead or force people to pick the unhealthier option. For example, you can get a burger at McDonald’s for 99 pence.

Looking at the deprivation profiles of Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester we can see that they are very similar, Manchester being the lowest at 23.4% and Glasgow being the highest at 24.8%. This is very small difference in percentage, but Scotland’s health profile still suffers.

Comparing mortality profiles of Glasgow to that of Liverpool and Manchester, we can see that mortality in Glasgow was 14% higher in all deaths. ‘Excess mortality’ in Glasgow has showed that 2,090 people under the age of 65 in excess. It has showed that almost half of excessive deaths in Scotland are related to alcohol and drugs.

From looking at The Glasgow Effect and the Scottish survey, I have determined that  I do not believe Scotland is a healthy country. According to the Scottish survey, men drink 5.2 units of alcohol and day and women 2.8 units a day. This is over the daily recommended amount adults should consume therefore this could be a major factor in the death rate in Scotland.



Society and Lifestyle – Inclusion and Diversity

The last two society and lifestyle inputs have focused on Inclusion and Diversity. Two weeks ago, in the Society and Lifestyle module we addressed the question what does ‘Inclusion and Diversity’. In the lecture, we explored the definitions of the words ‘inclusion’ and ‘diversity’ and the impact this has within communities. I found this very interesting however I … Continue reading Society and Lifestyle – Inclusion and Diversity

The last two society and lifestyle inputs have focused on Inclusion and Diversity. Two weeks ago, in the Society and Lifestyle module we addressed the question what does ‘Inclusion and Diversity’. In the lecture, we explored the definitions of the words ‘inclusion’ and ‘diversity’ and the impact this has within communities. I found this very interesting however I … Continue reading Society and Lifestyle – Inclusion and Diversity

Society and Lifestyles – Monday 6th of January 2017

In society and lifestyles, we were learning about disabilities and what it means to have a disability. This was important as many people in society believe that disability can only be physical and not mental. We also learned more about the attitudes towards disabilities throughout history and how this has changed dramatically. In the past, … Continue reading “Society and Lifestyles – Monday 6th of January 2017”

In society and lifestyles, we were learning about disabilities and what it means to have a disability. This was important as many people in society believe that disability can only be physical and not mental. We also learned more about the attitudes towards disabilities throughout history and how this has changed dramatically. In the past, … Continue reading “Society and Lifestyles – Monday 6th of January 2017”

Society and Lifestyles – 30th of January 2017

At the start of the lecture we had about 10 minutes to write about what we knew about the words inclusive and equality. I thought this was a good way of us learning as this gave us a chance to research what we were going to learn about. The lecturer then went into more detail … Continue reading “Society and Lifestyles – 30th of January 2017”

At the start of the lecture we had about 10 minutes to write about what we knew about the words inclusive and equality. I thought this was a good way of us learning as this gave us a chance to research what we were going to learn about. The lecturer then went into more detail … Continue reading “Society and Lifestyles – 30th of January 2017”

Inclusion and Equality-Focus on Disability

I was unable to make today’s lecture on the ‘Focus on Disability’ due to ill health.  However, I have read over the class materials and further reading and I feel like I now fully understand the information and have grasped a solid understanding of the term ‘disability’. I was happy to read and learn that … Continue reading “Inclusion and Equality-Focus on Disability”

I was unable to make today’s lecture on the ‘Focus on Disability’ due to ill health.  However, I have read over the class materials and further reading and I feel like I now fully understand the information and have grasped a solid understanding of the term ‘disability’.

I was happy to read and learn that time has moved on and there has been acts introduced, such as the ‘Equality Act 2010’, to support those who may have a disability. I was shocked to learn about what happened to people in the past who suffered with a disability, it is heartbreaking to know that in the past people with a disability were treated so differently. For example, they were excluded from the labour market and were limited to low income jobs.

I think it is important to make children aware of disabilities and I think in order to challenge discrimination towards people with a disability we must start in schools. It is important that we as educators are a voice for the children and inform them of how everyone deserves to be treated with respect and every child is important and of value. It is important that children are taught about disability awareness and that they are able to develop an understanding of disability as well as being able to explore their own attitudes, values and experiences.

Overall, this was a very interesting topic and I thoroughly enjoyed learning and doing some further research into the topic.

Focus On Disability

Due to illness, I was unable to make Monday’s lecture which was based on focus on disability. However, reading over the matrials on moodle, I have grasped the key concepts in the powerpoint and extra reading materials. I found it interesting that many people in 2017 still have negative attitudes towards people with a disability. […]

Due to illness, I was unable to make Monday’s lecture which was based on focus on disability. However, reading over the matrials on moodle, I have grasped the key concepts in the powerpoint and extra reading materials.

I found it interesting that many people in 2017 still have negative attitudes towards people with a disability. It also shocked me that people with a physical or mental impairment in the past, would sometimes be executed. As time have moved on, I feel it is important to take into consideration that everyone should be equal under the Human Rights Act and the Equality Act.

I found it important that we must target young people and educate them about disability at a young age. Children must develop an understanding of disability and explore their own attitudes and values around this subject. They must evaluate negative stereotypes and notice that a change has to be made.

I think this is interesting as I will have to educate children around this topic. I would love to be part of a school that promotes disability equality. I would have a can do attitude in the class room which would have an impact on peoples lives.

Inclusion and Equality- Focus on Disability

In Society and Lifestyle, in todays input through the lecture, seminar and independent tutorial I have gathered and developed my thoughts and questions about people with disabilities and their experiences […]


In Society and Lifestyle, in todays input through the lecture, seminar and independent tutorial I have gathered and developed my thoughts and questions about people with disabilities and their experiences in society on inclusion and equality. Disability is number two of the nine characteristics protected against discrimination by the Equality Act 2010. I find this topic extremely interesting to read about and how being disabled can cause unfairness, I feel that it is crucial for society to treat everyone the same and give everyone equal opportunities. From looking back at ancient times, the treatment of people with disabilities was horrifying by many people being persecuted or killed just because they had a disability. In todays 21st century it is becoming an increasing matter that we as society must learn to create a new reality and ways of being.

Many people argue the matter that impairments themselves cause the disability by preventing them doing usual day to day activities, however, personally I believe that it is in fact the physical environment that surrounds us that causes magnificent ways of living and problems with those that live with a disability they find restrictions almost everywhere around them. I agree with Mel Ainscow belief that assumptions of people with disabilities are not intellectually developed and that those living with a disability should be moved into the mainstream environment to allow everyone to have fair and equal opportunities in the world.

In addition to this, I find the ‘universal design’ a very crucial and interesting concept that hopefully in years to come will be put in place in several buildings to create an equal and fair environment of use for everyone. This will allow people to treat everyone the same as they don’t have barriers separating the disabled and the privileged.

‘The opportunity of adversity’ a TED TALK video that was filmed in October 2009 by Aimee Mullens who truly believes there is no such thing as ‘normality’. Everyone has their different opinions and attitudes, beliefs, likes and attitudes. Nothing is considered as ‘normal’ as everyone is different. Society must learn to appreciate and value everyone instead of shaming and looking down on people who maybe look different or speak different to everyone else.

I feel that this is a strong topic that I still need to look into further. I feel that as a student and hopefully as an educator in the future I will gather these thoughts and be able to treat all my pupils equally. John Ravis belief is to be able to suit everyone in society we must look at the least advantaged first and consider what and how we would provide for them first. I will do just this in my classroom for an equal class environment for my pupils to earn in.


Inclusion and Equality – Focus on Disability

Overall from todays lecture and tutorials I have learned how important it is to make sure that people with disabilities, physical or not, are getting equal opportunities. This session highlighted how far disabled people have come in their fight to be treated the same as everyone else. In ancient times disabled people were often killed …

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Overall from todays lecture and tutorials I have learned how important it is to make sure that people with disabilities, physical or not, are getting equal opportunities. This session highlighted how far disabled people have come in their fight to be treated the same as everyone else. In ancient times disabled people were often killed …

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Inclusion and Equality

On the 7 February we looked at Inclusion and Equality with a focus on disability. We looked at human rights, ways to promote equality, potential barriers to equality and how to overcome them. I felt that I learned that at least 15% of the world’s population has a significant, long term, physical or mental impairment … Continue reading Inclusion and Equality

On the 7 February we looked at Inclusion and Equality with a focus on disability. We looked at human rights, ways to promote equality, potential barriers to equality and how to overcome them. I felt that I learned that at least 15% of the world’s population has a significant, long term, physical or mental impairment that can and usually disable them from taking part in the usual educational, social and economic activity within their own community. I believe that I understood the main concepts, theories and ideas that were discussed. I was very vocal whenever we were having any discussions during the tutorial when we were made to think about these concepts and what they mean. I feel that my skills have developed in the fact that I have a better understanding of these issues now than say what I did when I was younger. One skill that I need to develop is being more vocal in the lecture itself. When we are in a tutorial I am good with speaking up but in the lecture I am completely different and almost don’t want to say anything just because there’s a lot more people in the lecture hall.  To address this development I will try to build up my confidence so when it comes to the lecture I will be more willing to contribute vocally in the lecture.

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