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CLIC Targets Week Beginning 13/3/23

C – Squiggleworth (Step 2i): I can partition a 3-digit number.
Remember to:
-write the 3-digit number
-draw the sticks
-copy the units digit
-copy the tens digit and put a zero on the end
-copy the hundreds digit and put two zeroes on the end
Try these: 286, 598, 914, 407, 658


L – Practise the facts of the 4x table up to 12 x 4. Try playing a game like Hit the Button to get faster!


I – Where’s Mully? (Step 2): I can find Mully using 10 lots (sets) and a tables fact.
Remember to:
-see 10 lots ‘jump out’ at you
-then use your table facts to find Mully.
Try these: Mully is hiding behind the biggest multiple of 4 without going past 57. Mully is hiding behind the biggest multiple of 5 without going past 76. Mully is hiding behind the biggest multiple of 3 without going past 45.

C – Addition (Step 25): I can solve any 2-digit number + 2-digit number. For example, 43 + 88 = 131
Remember to:
-partition the numbers
-write out the 2 new questions
-add the tens
-add the units
-add the units answer to the tens answer
Try these: 57 + 49 = __, 74 + 38 = __, 29 + 94 = __, 67 + 48 = __, 83 + 58 = __

CLIC Week Beginning 6/3/23


Counting Multiples (Step 5): I can count in 4s.
Start at 0 and count in 4s. Once you can do that easily, try counting back in 4s or try starting at a different number (2 for example) and count on in 4s.


Practise the facts of the 4x table up to 12 x 4. Try playing a game like Hit the Button to get faster!


Smile Multiplication (Step 1) I can multiply multiples of 10.

Remember to:

  • Remember that you are swapping units for tens.
  • Do the tables bit.
  • Count the zeros in the question.
  • Put the zeros in your answer!


I can do Smile Multiplication (x2,3,4,5)


Remember to:

  • Do the tables bit.
  • Count the zeros in question.
  • Put the zeros on your answer.

Health Week

On Monday Leo the therapet dog came to a Abbotswell school for a  visit . He was fluffy and we did singing with our new singing teacher.

On Tuesday we did street dancing and it was fun .

On Wednesday we did kick boxing and we did the healthy eating workshop and it was fun.

On Thursday we went to Mark bush court we sang you canny shuv your granny of a bus , three craws sat up upon a wa and head shudders knees and taes. We had fun.

On Friday we had a dress to express day where we could were what ever we want.

This blog post was written by Lucy.

Highlights of the Week

This week in class we have been practising for our Assembly on Article 2 non-discrimination.

We have also been doing Scottish dancing with Mrs Forbes and singing head,shoulders,knees and toes in the Scots. We also sang 3 Crows sat upon a wall.

Highland stations in P.E was another highlight of the week. My favourite one was Toss the Wellington boot.

This post was written by Leona.

CLIC Targets Week Beginning 12th December


Count Along- I can count along when the numbers are written in.


3 times table

  • Say multiples 1-5
  • Say multiples 1-10
  • Say table
  • Jumbled tables
  • Fact family


Fact Families Step 4- I know the fact families for 1d x 1d facts. (2×9=18, 9×2=18..)

Remember to:

  • Copy the learn it
  • Write the Switcher 
  • Bring the total (sum) to the front, change the symbol and write the 2 switchers

Here the children can also show for themselves that multiplication is commutative and division is not.


Collum Method

Subtraction Step 2