Tag Archives: trenches

Trenches recreated in Glasgow

digging inThis summer the ‘Digging In’ project has been active in Glasgow’s Pollok Park, constructing its first trenches in a programme of work to support learning about World War One by the public and school students.

The reconstructions have created short sections of trenches modelled on those used by British and German soldiers on the Western Front battlefields of France and Belgium in the period 1914-1918. The design work was informed by Army field manuals, soldiers’ diaries, and evidence from excavations in Flanders conducted by historians and archaeologists.

The trenches have already been open for public and school visits for a few trial sessions, with expert facilitators to guide them through the experience of the life of a combatant in such a hostile environment. Hands-on activities and teaching packs will complement the classroom learning of pupils.

The project partnership is lead by Northlight Heritage, with partners including Glasgow City Council, Glasgow University, and Stewart’s Melville College. A grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund enabled the project to get underway, and new partners and sponsors are supporting the project’s development.

The project website provides details about the site excavations and facilities, and assists learning about aspects of WW1 such as trench experiences, the roles of women, advances in medical treatment, and conscientious objectors. The project is also attracting interest through Facebook and Twitter.

The project launch is described in a Glasgow City Council news release, and a BBC news story.

The location within Pollok Park also allows possible tie-ins for school visits to Pollok House (a National Trust for Scotland property), which functioned as an auxiliary hospital during World War One.

There are many resources online which could be used by teachers for preparatory work before a site visit. For example, a BBC Schools education resource about Food in the trenches.