Tron Young Company
The Tron Young Company meets once a week for a 2 hour workshop, regularly attend theatre performances and set themselves research task between workshops. They function as a company having input in all aspects of creative decisions and thus have wrote their own mission statement:
The Tron Young Company is changing theatre. From our home in the vibrant and socially diverse Merchant City, in Glasgow, we are reaching out; raising our profile across Scotland and beyond. We, an ambitious collective, aim to engage with people in as many ways as we can; forging new links- and strengthening existing ones- with communities, with fellow artists and with audiences.
Central to our ethos is respect for individuality and respect for one another. The positive and supportive atmosphere of the Tron Theatre serves as an ideal backdrop, against which our confidence, creativity and freedom of expression are able to flourish. We promote growth and progress, both for the individual and collectively.
The company harbours a great appreciation of the theatrical and performative arts, and we actively seek to increase the breadth of material that we are exposed to- and respond to it through constructive and considerate analysis. We feel, therefore, that our work is well informed and we strive to touch upon all subjects and embrace a multitude of practices and techniques. We ignore nothing.
Tron Young Company utilises as many of the talents and skills, prevalent within our group, as we can. This multi- disciplinary approach affords us many opportunities and permits unique, often bold, more often fun, experimentation and leaps into the unknown! Watch us jump- and see where you land…