Skillshops is the Tron’s drama classes for children and young people.
Classes are split into 5 different age ranges – Babies-toddlers, Pre School-P2, P3-P6, P7-S2 and S3-S6
Sessions run in the academic year with participants working towards performances as well as attending professional theatre productions where appropriate.
Participants have the opportunity to creatively explore their imaginations in a safe and fun environment, developing both artistic and important social skills.
The workshops will support the formal learning experiences that school is providing encouraging participants to become confident individuals, successful learners, effective contributors and responsible citizens.
Classes run
Saturdays 1pm-2pm Pre School – P2
Saturday 2.30pm-4.30pm P3-P6
Wednesday 6.30pm-8.30pm P7-S2
Monday 6.30pm – 8.30pm S3 – S6
Prices and term dates can be obtained by calling box office on 0141 552 4267.