Category Archives: Uncategorized

Liz Lochhead Interview

As part of the Glasgay! Festival Liz Lochhead has written a piece about Edwin Moragn called Edwin Morgan’s Dreams and Other Nightmares which is co-directed by Liz and Andy Arnold. Stephen from Glasgay! interviewed Liz about her inspiration behind writting the piece. Tron Participation has uploaded this video onto our Glow area. You can find it on the Visiting Companies page. More resources will follow in the weeks leading up to the show opening at the Tron Theatre. Please check it out!!

Tron Participation Creative Blog

As part of our ever expanding Glow area; Tron Participation wants to give pupils and staff an insight into what happens at the Tron Theatre on a day to day basis. The best way for us to do this is via a blog. This blog will allow actors, directors, designers and many more people who work with the Tron to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences with a wider audience. Pupils and teachers can contact Tron Participation if they have a specific question for the person blogging, meaning we are able to create a dialogue with creative professionals and schools. You can find the blog on the Virtual Learning page of the Tron Participation Glow area.
Currently blogging is Sally Reid and Keith Fleming who are performing in ‘Days of Wine and Roses’ a co-production between the Tron Theatre and Theatre Jezebel.

Actor’s Blog – Keith Fleming ‘Days of Wine and Roses’

Lines, lines and more lines. ‘How do you remember all the words?’…a question often asked of actors. Right now, I don’t know. They are seeping in but not as quickly as one would like. It seems to be the only thing I’m doing out of the rehearsal room. Heid’s mince! Always a lovely rehearsal room with Kenny, but must do better is my report card for myself. Next week is looming….too much to do.

Actor’s Blog – Sally Reid ‘Days of Wine and Roses’

Sally Reid Blogs about learning lines:
The play is very intense at times and only having 2 characters spanning 8 years of their time together in London means there is an awful lot of words! It’s definitely not a 9-5 job! At the start of the first week, I very quickly organised a routine for learning which only included 2 other activities; eating and sleeping. Sometimes you can’t do any further work on a scene in rehearsals until you are off book for it and Kenny has been very supportive of that, not bombarding us with too much scene and action work too early on. It’s a tedious process at times but when you know all your lines and a scene flows for the first time it’s extremely exciting. I like to know every page inside out before going onstage, all the external things like light, sound, costume, real props can sometimes throw you off course and you can forget what it is you’re saying.

Kes Resources on Glow

Catherine Wheels Theatre Company’s production of ‘Kes’ has just finished here at the Tron Theatre after a succesful run. Tron Participation have created a workshop plan and demonstration video to be used as follow up material. You will also find the offical ‘Kes’ resource pack created by Catherine Wheels.

Even if you didnt make it to see the show, these resources are still beneficial to use with your class. You can also watch some videos of the rehearsal and design process and much more on YouTube. Just search for Catherine Wheels Theatre Company.

Summer is here – isn’t it?

It has been a very busy time for the Participation department here at the Tron Theatre. All our groups done exceptionally well in their performance projects. We had Project Branded, From a City Balcony, Curious Tale of Oak Tree Grove, Oak Tree Tales and Page to Stage. We would like to say we are now having a well earned rest but this is not the case. We are getting prepared for our Summer Pre 5yrs programme – Tiny and Tall Tales which kicks off on the 13th July. Also we are getting our Glow group ready so prepare to join Tron Participation in the virtual world!! Exciting Times!!

Lung Ha’s: Learning Disability Workshop

Friday the 29th of October 2001 at the Tron Theatre – Times to be confirmed.

Lung Ha’s Theatre Company exists to provide and inspire oppertunites for people with learning disabilites to become actively involved in the performing arts.

To accompany its latest touring production, Chekhov Shorts, Lung Ha’s Theatre Company is hosting an open workshop for adults and young people with a learning disbility. in the Glasgow area. Whether you are part of a group or an individual, come and experience how Lung Ha’s Theatre Company Developed Chekhov Shorts with a workshop that includes games, improvisation and music straight from the rehearsal room.

Checkov Shorts Lung Ha Theatre Company

This workshop costs £5 and includes a ticket to the matinee performance of Chekov Shorts at the Tron Theatre on the 3rd of November at 12.30pm. This is also a captioned performance for those who are deaf and hard of hearing.

The workshop will last approximately one hour and will be led by Maria Oller; the artisic director of Lung Ha’s Theatre Company.

If you or a group are interested in taking part in the workshop, please contact or call 0131 221 9568 for more info.