Category Archives: Primary

Tron Ambassador and Partner Schools Scheme

Tron Participation run a host of schemes for schools and pupils to get involved in;

Tron Skillshops
Drama classes for pupils P1 – S6. Weekly workshops held at the Tron Theatre for participants to explore the art of theatre making.

Interested in joining in the Autumn then be sure to come along and see the work the present groups have been making.

10th-12th April 7.30pm

P4-P7 + S1-S2
But Why?!
13th JUne 7.30pm
14th June 2.30pm

Tron Ambassadors
The Tron Ambassadors scheme gives S4-S6 school pupils the chance to be behind the scenes of a
working theatre. It enables them to make a deeper connection with the Tron Theatre and
gain a better understanding of the industry.

We are recruiting new Ambassadors for the 2014/15 term.

Tron Ambassadors will –

•Meet 1-2 times per month at the Tron Theatre (after school weekday meetings)
•Take part in tasks and challenges out with allocated Ambassador meetings
•Keep in contact via email with Tron Drama Officer on related tasks and challenges
•Take part in a variety of theatre workshops/master classes
•Attend Tron Shows
• Host Tweet Meets within the Tron Theatre linked to Tron productions
• Promote the Tron to friends and family
• Blog, tweet and post about the Ambassadors scheme, Tron shows and events
•Work as a team to create a Front of House event at Tron Skillshops show

Does this sound like something you would like to be involved in? If so, email to find out further information.

Partner Schools
This scheme allows Tron Participation to work closely with 2-3 schools each academic year and share our expertise. We work with schools within Glasgow and the surrounding local authorities.
The Partner schools programme is a mix of in school workshops, theatre trips and back stage tours. The partnership is hosted via Glow allowing us to keep in touch.

Would you be interested in being one of our partner schools for the 2014-15 academic year. If so contact Deborah on

Remember December – Tron Participation Show for Nursery and Lower Primary pupils

Flora is very, very forgetful. But it doesn’t
bother her or make her fretful. She forgets
to brush her teeth just before bed, to tidy
her toys or to remember anything her mum
and dad said!

She ties knots in her ribbons and in pieces of
string, but it doesn’t really help her
remember a thing. Flora looks in her pocket
and what does she find? Her letter to Santa
all sealed and signed. She’s forgotten to post
it. She didn’t remember! What will happen
on the 25th of December?

Join Flora on a snowy night and help her try
to put things right. To deliver her letter, so
her name’s not missed, from Santa’s Claus’s
Christmas present list?

£8 / FAMILY TICKET £21 – £28

Autumn at the Tron Theatre

We have been busy bees putting our Autumn programme in place and we are happy to share with you some of the opportunities that will be coming up over the coming months.

The Tron theatre in co porduction with Horsecross Arts will present Macbeth Tuesday 8th – Saturday 19th October 7.45pm. Check out the Tron website for further information on tickets. Don’t forget we have a schools discount for this production. Tron Participation has an outreach programme of work to coincide with this show. Be sure to check out our ‘Productions’ page on our Glow area for details of what we have on offer.

Partner Schools
After the success of our partnership with Mearns Castle and Greenfaulds High Schools we are happy to announce we will be partnering with three new secondary schools for the 2013-14 academic year. These schools are Eastbank Academy, Caldervale High and St Andrews RC Secondary School. We look forward to working with them and will keep you updated on our progress.

Tron Ambassadors
We will be recruiting new members to join our Tron Ambassadors scheme for the 2013-14 season. Last years Ambassadors were a real asset to the Tron, hosting social media calls, reviewing our shows and creating a front of house event to coincide with our S1-S2 Skillshops performance in April this year. We have put together an exciting programme of activities for the new recruits to get their teeth into. Deadline for applications is Friday 6th September at 3pm. For further details or an application pack please contact Deborah McArthur.

We have a whole host of classes from Drama, Set and Costume Design to Script Writing. These classes are for participants 6months upwards. Check out our website for further details. Classes start back 31st August onwards.

We have updated our Glow area and added some new resources so please make sure you check it out. We will be adding to the site, as always, throughout the Autumn season so make sure to check back regularly and keep in touch with us. We have a live noticeboard on our Glow area and we want to keep a dialogue going with schools.

If you wish to find out further information about our Macbeth outreach work or our Partner Schools programme or would like an application pack for our Ambassadors Scheme please contact Deborah McArthur, Drama Officer on

We look forward to hearing from you!!
Best Wishes
Tron Participation Team

One week to go…..

A week today this fantastic show opens here at the Tron Theatre – dont miss out!!

by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean, in a new adaptation created by Lu Kemp and Abigail Docherty. Written by Oliver Emanuel. Directed by Lu Kemp.

Tron Theatre
Wed 22nd – Fri 24th May 10.30am and 1.30pm
Sat 25th May 11am and 2pm

£10 (£7.50)

Age Suitability: 6 – 10 Primary 2 – Primary 6
Running Time: 50 minutes
Curriculum for Excellence links: Expressive Arts, Social Subjects, Health and Wellbeing
Free National Theatre of Scotland workshop in your school on a first to book basis

“I’ll swap you my dad,” I said.
“Oh-Oh,” said my sister

An exciting, new interactive performance for younger primary school audiences ages six and upwards.

The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish is a humorous, theatrical adventure, which is a little bit about being a sibling, and a little bit about being a genius. It is a new stage adaptation of the popular children’s picture-book by bestselling author and illustrator, Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean.

Tom and his little sister think Dad is so boring that they swap him for two goldfish! When Mum finds out, she’s not best pleased and Tom and his little sister have to ’GO GET DAD BACK!’ Pupils and their teachers are invited to help Tom and his sister on their mission to get Dad back.

Unfortunately though, it’s not that simple. Nathan doesn’t have Dad any more. He swapped him for Vashti’s electric guitar. And Vashti swapped Dad, with Blinky, for a Gorilla mask. And Blinky swapped Dad, with Patti, for Galveston the rabbit. And Patti lives a very, very long way away.

Aganeza Scrooge


PREVIEWS: 30 NOV – 2 DEC £10
£7 – £17

Written and directed by Johnny McKnight

The pantosphere is decking the halls and rocking around their Christmas trees. Well, everywhere except one place: Dickensian Street, home of the frightful Aganeza Scrooge, the scariest skinflint in the pantosphere. A woman so tight with money she makes Fifers look generous. And Aganeza HATES Christmas! She hates those festive jumpers that her employee Bobby Scratchit keeps wearing; hates that Whiny Tim who walks around everywhere with a croquet stick; and don’t even get her started on those ghosts of panto past, present and future that have decided to keep her awake all through the night. A girl has got to get her sleep. Aganeza is on a quest to end Christmas! It’s sooooo…bah humbug.

This year’s Tron panto is an all-female spin on Charles Dickens’ classic tale ‘A Christmas Carol.’ A wildly funny, family show that will have you singing in the aisles, dancing in your seats and skipping home just like Tiny Tim.


Also make sure to check out the Tron Theatres Glow area as we have a dedicated page for Aganeza Scrooge with fun and games and some money saving tips from Aganeza herself!!

What’s going on at the Tron?

After our summer break all skillshops classes resumed. The P1-P3 class became roving reporters investigating local news. The P4-P7 and S1-S2 classes eased there way back in with ice breakers and improvisations and the S3-S6 class started exploring ensemble working.

Our P4-P7, S1-S2 and S3-S6 classes will work on a term of skills before setting their sights on a performance project which will happen in April and June in our main auditorium.

Places are still available in our P1-P3, P4-P7 and S1-S2 classes should anyone want to join. For further information please contact Deborah on or call box office on 0141 552 4267

Tron is going greener…
The Tron Theatre prides itself on our environmental policy and way we can we try to be greener. That is why we are urging teachers to join our Emailing list. This will not only make sure information is delivered straight to your inbox so you don’t miss out on any opportunities but you will also be doing your bit for the environment – doesn’t that make you feel good?
E-mail with ‘schools email list’ in the subject bar

The Incredible Adventures of See Thru Sam –
Don’t miss out on our Glow Meet on Wednesday 12th September 2pm. This Glow Meet gives audiences the opportunity to have a sneak peek into the rehearsal room of Random Accomplice as they work on See Thru Sam which opens at the Tron Theatre on Thursday 20th September.

Autumn at the Tron

The Tron Theatre and Tron Participation have an exciting programme of work coming up this Autumn. It all kicks off with ‘The Incredible Adventures of See Thru Sam’ by Random Accomplice Tuesday 25th – Sat 29th September. This show is suitable for 14yrs+ and resources linked to the show are available on the Tron Participation Glow area.

We then host Catherine Wheels ‘The Ballad of Pondlife McGurk’ Wednesday 24th-Saturday 27th October. This show is suitable for audiences 9yrs+

School groups are welcome and for every 10 tickets booked you receive 1 free ticket. To book your group to any of the above shows call our box office on 0141 552 4267.

Our Skillshops classes kick off in September and bookings for these classes is now open.

P1-P3 class Saturdays 11am-12noon
P4-P7 class Saturdays 12noon-2pm
S1-S2 class Saturdays 2.30pm-4.30pm
S3-S6 class Mondays 6.30pm-8.30pm

Our P4-P7, S1-S2 and S3-S6 groups will each be putting on a performance at the Tron Theatre in 2013. If you wish to find out more about our classes go to

The Tron Participation Autumn newsletter is now available, you can find it on the Tron Participation Glow area notice board. We will also be mailing it out to schools. If you are not on our schools mailing list but wish to be please email


Plume by J.C Marshall opens at the Tron on Thursday 1st March at 7.45pm. This production came out of the Open.Stage playwriting competiton held in 2009/2010. Why not head onto the Visitng Companies area on the Tron Participation Glow page to find out more. We even have a writing task for all you budding playwrights out there!!

Glow Meet Success

After a fantastic run of ‘Mister Merlin’ and ‘The Night After Christmas’ Tron Participation are back in the office and raring to go for the coming season.

We would like to highlight the success of our Glow Meet which happened on Wednesday 21st December. Over 2000 pupils from all over Scotland logged in and met our Panto characters; Penny, Peter and the Great Bahooky. We thank everyone for logging in and making it an enjoyable afternoon. Look out for our next Glow Meet on Wednesday 1st February at 2pm as part of ‘World of Work Wednesdays’, don’t miss out on the opportunity to speak with professionals about their jobs within the theatre industry.

We will also be expanding our Glow area so look out in the coming months for new and exciting things to come from Tron Participation

Tron Panto 2011 – Mister Merlin


By Alex Norton
Directed by Andy Arnold
Designed by Kenny Miller

Mister Merlin’s magic is mince if he doesn’t have his wand – a family heirloom handed down through many Merlin generations. The Great Bahooky’s magic has always been mince – so stealing Mister Merlin’s wand, helped (or is it hindered?) by his side-kick Bumble, is part of his cunning plan for wizard world domination.
What he didn’t bank on was Merlin having a guardian angel, in the guise of The Govan Fairy; or two plucky puppet pals Peter and Penny prepared to brave Clabber Castle’s haunted garden to get the wand back.
Last performed in 1989, Peter & Penny’s Panto is given a modern day makeover by original creator Alex Norton.

Tron Participation has created a section on Glow for our Panto. In this area you will find, rehearsal photos, games and puzzles, panto gags and much more. We will be uploading material from now till Christmas so be sure to log on!!