Category Archives: Culture, Values & Ethos

Me + Us

Me + Us engages children in an exploration of what makes them unique and what connects them to others. Though their personal and group investigation children document their cultural identity, heritage and discover the meaning and experience of sectarianism in Scotland’s communities. Children work together to explore how we might make Scotland an inclusive nation; the best place to grow up. Every child produces a portrait and artist statement which reveals to their audience of peers and adults who they are.

For the past few months children in 6 Local Investigation Teams have been working on their Me + Us project. Check out the map below to see where the teams are based. Examples of their work can be seen in the Me + Us GALLERY

At the beginning of Me + Us workshops, the children shared their initial thoughts by interviewing each other for this video.

Me + Us Resource Pack

You are invited to use this pack to facilitate your own Me + Us project. Click on the Arrows to open panels where you can download the different PDF parts of the Resource Pack.

Click here to access the Me + Us resources.

Human Rights Belong to All of Us

This paper gives a bit of history, considers the legal context and importantly for us focuses on how we might create a culture in our public and private services – as
well as in our communities and in families – which are consistent with the intuitive idea of human dignity.

Participation Workers’ Network for Wales

The PWNW (Participation Workers’ Network for Wales) is a free service for supporting practitioners and organisations to promote participation through their work with children and young people.

 The Network has the following core services:

  • A public information area which includes essential information on participation and its development in Wales. The area is also updated with policy news and updates from strategic bodies in Wales.
  • A private members’ area. The member’s area is free to join and holds contact details for all PWNW members. By joining members can share and search for examples of good practice from other members. Find out more in the PWNW area.

The Network has recently been redesigned and redeveloped to be easier to search and easier for members to add good practice. Find out more about the changes here.

The Children and Young People’s Participation Consortium for Wales, the Participation Unit and the Welsh Assembly Government’s Participation Project are working together to promote the participation of children and young people (0-25) in decision-making in Wales. We have developed a set of National Standards for participation that are relevant for all organisations who work with or have an impact on children and young people. Together we can ensure that all children and young people have a positive and meaningful experience of participation across Wales.

Children in Wales is a joint sponsor in the Reach the Heights project, supporting young people to gain skills for learning and employment through work experience and community based opportunities.

Visit the PWNW website.

PWNW – Measuring Children and Young People’s Participation

The National Children and Young People’s Participation Standards for Wales have been developed to improve the process of children and young people’s participation in decision-making. The Participation Standards measure the ‘quality’ of the process of children and young people’s participation against key agreed indicators.

In addition to measuring the process, it is important to assess the outcomes and the changes that have occurred as a result of children or young people’s participation.

Visit the PWNW Standards website.

Continue reading PWNW – Measuring Children and Young People’s Participation

Primary School Assemblies

This set of 21 assembly plans focuses on child rights and special days of the year, such as World Refugee Day, International Day of Disabled Persons, and World Health Day. They feature stories from children around the world and include suggestions for pupil participation.

 Visit the Primary School Assemblies page.

Golden Rules of Participation

The Golden Rules for Participation are a set of principles designed to help anyone working with, and for, children and young people. Their purpose is to remind adults of what participation means from the point of view of children and young people, and to encourage children and young people to think about what they need from adults to support them to participate.

Go to the 7 Golden Rules of Participation