Recognising and Realising Children’s Rights

Education Scotland has been commissioned by Aileen Campbell MSP, Minister for Children and Young People, to develop a national professional development resource for adults working with children and young people.

What does the resource aim to do?

The resource aims to develop participants’ knowledge and understanding of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) with the purpose of promoting rights-based values, attitudes, skills and practices among those adults who have a duty of care for children and young people.

What is contained in the resource?

The interactive training resource includes all the relevant materials to deliver a one-day programme. This programme will have the greatest impact when delivered within a single training day, however the materials and the schedule for delivery should be adapted to suit local needs, capacity and contexts.

What will be covered in the training?

The broad components of the training programme include:

  • Welcome and introduction to children’s rights
  • What are rights, and why are they important today?
  • History of children’s rights and the current context
  • Familiarisation with the articles of the UNCRC
  • Reflection and self-evaluation
  • Next steps, implementation and sharing practice
  • Supporting resources and further reading

Visit the RRCR page to download the resources.

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