Category Archives: Implemento

Milton School, Glasgow

Milton School, Glasgow, has been working in partnership with the International Education Office, Glasgow City Council and British Council Scotland to effect their transformative innovation ‘Implemento’ through eTwinning, an EU online collaboration programme to support the delivery of curricular outcomes and experiences through international school partnerships. eTwinning was chosen by staff to effect the 3 horizons of change identified by the PIPTC approach. This decision followed a staff PIPTC training session with HMI, Education Scotland.

The workshop outlines the journey so far with Milton school and identifies the various stages of change and the construction of the ‘Implemento’, as the young people with complex special needs and staff in the school begin to learn together in an innovative way, using the ICT tools and online collaboration available through eTwinning.

The session demonstrates how change begins with Horizon 1, how it continues during Horizon 2 -preserving what works and having the courage to explore new ways of working- and demonstrates how the challenges and opportunities of change are negotiated and developed strategically to offer a clearer picture of the ‘ emerging future’ to offer a whole school approach for the way forward. The session sets out the starting point for the school, the gradual emergence of the ‘ seeds’ of change and how working in partnership with others has supported the school to grow in ways that have had a profound impact for learners with complex needs and for the ethos of the whole school.

Lesley Atkins, Development Officer: International Education, Glasgow City Council

St John’s Academy, Perth

In partnership with Balfron High School, our S6 leadership team have been trained in the use of Implemento to identify priorities for our school, create action plans and lead school improvement and learner improvement teams.

In September 2012, a group of S6 students joined St John’s Academy’s S6 team and trained them in the use of Implemento.

Val Corrie, Headteacher of Balfron introduced the session giving some background information about the work of the International Futures Forum and specifically about Implemento.

Audrey May, Headteacher of St John’s explained that the Senior Leadership Team and a group of Principal Teachers from St John’s have also been trained in the use of 3 Horizons and Implemento and we are using these tools to enhance our planning for improvement.

For the remainder of the morning, the S6 students from Balfron led and coached the St John’s students in the use of the Implemento toolkit.

The session led to our students clearly identifying areas for improvement in St John’s. They developed action plans as the result of the session with Balfron, and are now skilled and confident to lead teams from S1 to S6 to implement their plans.

It was a very successful morning and in just over a month our S6 leaders have developed their thinking and are sharing their learning with younger students to move our school forward.

The key areas identified and now being led by our students are:

The development of a whole school approach to peer coaching/mentoring; A programme of Volunteering for all S5/6 students; The development of ‘House’/ Inter-House and sporting activities; Our Charities fundraising and associated activities; The further development of our Tutor Group programme.

Balfron HS

Balfron High is used 3 Horizons and Implemento to empower young people to lead and inspire each other and staff.  Young people openly describe the very positive impact and skills for life this have developed. Watch the young people demonstrate clearly how the tools can be used and the difference it can make.

Our Journey To Excellence site has a numbetr of videos where you can see and hear for yourself just how the tools have been used at Balfron HS and the impact that they have had.

North Ayrshire CLD

North Ayrshire Community Learning and Development used 3-Horizons and Implemento to involve young people and the community more effectively in making a difference.  Views and opinions were gathered and a strategic plan created to take forward improvments.  Watch this video to see the approach in action.  Listen to young people talk about the difference these tools made to their involvement in the process.  Clip : Making Shift Happen

Implemento: Designing for Implementation

Design action plans that confront reality, engage resistance, and provide hindsight.

  • What to do when there is nothing apparent to do? Where to head when everything seems temporary, uncertain, chaotic, un-clear?
  • What to do when there is everything to do? A vast possibility for taking action. Where everything is a priority.
  • What to do when impaled on the proverbial horns of a dilemma? Where either choice is equally the right choice?
  • Where either choice is equally the wrong choice?

The above conditions challenge us to find a new perspective on things. To rise above the apparent dilemma, to act on some deeper faith that things work out. To clarify our intentions, and take action in the midst of uncertainty. To act out of the reality of what confronts us, rather than acting out of past experience.

Implemento combines a rigorous situation analysis with an opportunity for innovation and ‘making it up.’ These two activities generally reveal a surprising perspective and clarity in the matter. The ‘what we know’ that we did not know we knew. Implemento prompts us to create scenarios for the future based on an action which we believe would be best given the conditions at hand. ?

If it’s a dilemma, we take one side and go with it. Then take the other side. If there are a million choices, we take a couple. If there are no choices, we make up something and run with it.

The trick with Implemento is not to second guess what will happen. Take the plunge. To let our imagination run riot. To take the time to reflect on the sum of our stories and build a comprehensive, multi- faceted, strategy for taking a first step.

Implemento offers the curious possibility of beginning with a molehill of directions and plans, giving that molehill to Implemento’s structures and your imagination for an hour or so, and discovering a mountain of purposes, insights and steps to get on with the right stuff.


Education Scotland has licensed the Transition Leadership tools and the Three Horizons toolkit for the specific and sole purpose of improving Scottish Education and the partner services that support it. We are delighted to have partnered the following people and organisations in this venture: Executive Arts Inc.; James R. Ewing, ForthRoad Ltd.; International Futures Forum and Graham Leicester.