CREATIVE RESILIENCE – How culture enables young people to thrive on change

In response to popular demand after Paul Collard’s very successful
Creative Conversation ‘How do we capture and measure creativity?’
for Forth Valley Creative Learning last year, we are very excited that
Paul is able to open our 2014 programme of Creative Conversations.
How culture enables young people to thrive on change
Tolbooth Arts Venue, Stirling
Tuesday 25th February 2014
4.30pm – 6.30pm
Young people today are confronted with a tough, complex and deeply
challenging environment in which to grow up. Some thrive on it, some
find coping strategies, others are destroyed by it. What we know is that
those young people who manage most effectively in this environment have
the capacity to understand where they are coming from and to imagine
different futures. In this conversation, we will explore the role that
culture and creativity plays in developing this form of resilience. We
will look at the combination of skills that underpins resilience, and
the places where these can be learnt. Most of all we see whether the
creative and cultural programmes can make a significant difference to
the outcomes of young people here.
If you would like to join us please book free tickets via:
For further information contact:
Kind Regards
Clare Hoare
Cultural Coordinator
(Stirling and Clackmannanshire)
Teith House
Kerse Road
Tel: 01786 233226

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