First day of integrated arts

Today was my first intorduction into integrfated arts. Both workshops today focussed on mostly drama and music and how to implement these subjects into primary teaching successfully. Music is a passion I have always had and have spent most of my life doing and drama is the total opposite.

Throughout the sessions today we focussed on how to use drama and music to link into other subjects such as english. While taking part in the drama workshop I was very nervous as it is not a comfortable subject for me, in saying this I found myself really enjoying taking part in turning my body into  shape, making faces and still frames to further character development and watching everyone else do the same. When using this subject in my own teaching environment I would take into account my nervousness for the subject and how by doing it along with everyone else in the class I felt much more comfortable and my pupils may also feel the same way when using drama withing ther own teaching.

Within our muic workshop I felt very comfortable, althogh I had never really thought of music as a gateway to other subjects. For example, today we used a sound/song to craete a story within a small group and although many groups had similar ideas nobody quite had the same storyline.

Using this going forward I would like to see my confidence within the drama subject improve throughout my time on the course and try to think outside the box when it comes to both drama and music and linking them to other subjects such as english and maths to make what some may believe ‘boring’ subjects a little more exciting, fun and engaging for all.


Below is the story I created with my group to the sound from Tam O’Shanter. Although messy it kind of matches the story we were trying to tell and the sound that inspired it.

Situated Communications post class task: ‘Finding out about others: the skill of questioning’. In Hargie, O. (2011) Skilled interpersonal Communication: Research, Theory and practice. 5th ed. London: Routledge.

Main Themes

The main theme of this text is to convey how questions can and will effect your communication. It gives reader an insight into how questions can be asked and whether they can be effective or ineffective to the listener. The main themes are:

  1. The different types of questions
  2. The purpose of questions (Why do we ask them)
  3. How effective different questions can be depending on the context they are used in.

Claims and Evidence

This text claimed that throughout school children are frightful of answering questions due to class mates reacting in a negative manner. The US study mentioned within the text goes on to further convey that throughout a student life and as they grow older they become much less comfortable with answering out in class. As someone who has always had quite a ‘loud’ manner, I cannot agree with this statement on a personal level within my school time but since going through college and doing a course I wasn’t sure about, I can agree that I was much more conscious of the answers I was giving and was typically more embarrassed if they were wrong. As a student teacher this experience has allowed me to become more confident in asking for help and this is something I can possibly bring to the children in a classroom.

Analysis and Evaluation

Within the example with the children from the ‘Orkney satanic abuse’ trail, I cannot agree with the question type used. It was portrayed in a manner that was far above the child’s age and was conducted by a biased questioner. By using these types of leading questions, a questioner can begin to manipulate and trick a child into saying things that are just not true to benefit the latter party. Children can find these questions extremely difficult due to them being asked in an adult manner, too advanced for a young child to comprehend.

Knowledge and Comprehension

Throughout the text there were multiple words I did not understand, Some were as follows:

  • Presuppositions – a thing tacitly assumed beforehand at the beginning of a line of argument or course of action.
  • Elicit – To evoke or to draw out of someone.
  • Acquiesce – accept something reluctantly but without protest.

The funnel sequence

This is a theory in which people are asked an open question which may have multiple answers. For example: ‘What do you do after school?’ Multiple answers can be given and eventually the questioner will begin to whittle the question down to a closed question by giving respondents knowledge, context and information in order for them to all get the same answer. Closed questions must only have one answer. ‘The funnel sequence’ is in reference to a funnel in which it begins very wide, with multiple answers’ and begins to narrow as you come towards the closed question and the final, only answer.


Welcome to my blog, I am Katrina Burke a first year university student studying Education. I have created this blog in order for others to follow me on my journey as I work and learn throughout my four years in university. I will be sharing my development throughout and can’t wait to share it with you.

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