This page contains a number of resources that we think are pretty useful.
They need to be tried and tested by teachers before we will let them onto our resources page.
If you have used any of these resources, or would like to road test them for us, please email us.
“Sharing is the essence of teaching. It is, I have come to believe, the essence of civilization . . . Without it, the imagination is but the echo of the self, trapped in a soundproof chamber, reverberating upon itself until it is spent in exhaustion or futility.”
Bill Moyers
B4U Copy – Copyright
The B4UCopy educational curriculum program has a goal of raising awareness of copyright laws and reinforcing responsible behavior online. Download the free curriculum for elementary and middle school students []
B4U Surf – Cybersafety
Business Software Alliance (BSA) partnership site with an underlying theme of cyberethics and cybersafety. Includes cybersafety tips, teacher guides, cybersafety/ cyberethics lesson plans, free posters, an interactive quiz, and two online games.
The Boston Public Schools Internet Safety Website is a student-driven site that contains downloadable resources and strategies for parents, teachers and students. Check out their student video on cyberbullying.
Secondary – Videos, games and real life interviews – looks like a great resource for S1-S3 classes. Covers cyber bullying, email, online predators, gaming.