Tag Archives: projects

New projects: Xtrayard and Get Scotland Dancing

Game On Scotland is delighted to announce that we have just added two more projects to the Other educational projects section of the site. From the outset we’ve been keen to create a one-stop-shop for teachers and educators interested in learning using the Games, and the curation of other projects is an important part of this process.

XtrayardXtrayard is an online platform that encourages young people to take part in physical activity and track it on a virtual route. To celebrate the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games they’ve re-created the Queen’s Baton Relay route, which will allow your learners to journey around the 70 nations and territories of the Commonwealth by taking part in physical activity and eating healthily.

Get Scotland DancingGet Scotland Dancing is a celebration of dance and an invitation for every person in Scotland to join in. As a Commonwealth Games Legacy programme, Get Scotland Dancing aims to get more people dancing in Scotland in 2014 than ever before. There’ll be a lot of different parts to the initiative as it develops, but broadly speaking they’ll be increasing opportunities to dance, promoting mass participation and developing young talent.

These are just the latest projects to be added to an already full programme, but Game On Scotland is a live programme and more materials will be added all the time – sign up to the network to make sure you’re the first to know about new opportunities.