Tag Archives: Athlete visits


 Commonwealth Games gold medallists Kimberley and Louise Renicks were at St Mary’s Primary School in Hamilton today as part of a series of athletes’ school visits which are taking place across the country until the end of the year.

Through Game on Scotland, a Legacy 2014 programme delivered by a partnership between the Scottish Government, Education Scotland, Glasgow 2014 and Glasgow City Council, schools the length and breadth of Scotland have been applying for the chance to receive a visit from one of Team Scotland’s athletes.

The initiative, funded by the Scottish Government, will give pupils a valuable insight into the life of a professional athlete, providing inspiration for all aspects of their lives with focus on the importance of personal qualities such as discipline, determination, aspiration and sportsmanship.

Sixty schools in Scotland are benefitting from a visit, with athletes including Steph Inglis (Judo), Sean Docherty (table tennis), Lee Craigie (mountain biking) and Vikki Bounce (hockey)  already confirmed.

Shona Robison, Cabinet Secretary for the Commonwealth Games and Sport, said: “Game On Scotland, run by Education Scotland, has been a massive success, using the Commonwealth Games as a context for learning across the curriculum with over 250,000 pupils in Scotland connected with the programme.

“It is brilliant to see the legacy of Glasgow 2014 being extended for learners in such an interactive way and I hope the athletes’ visits will provide yet more exciting memories for the pupils to cherish.”

Klaus Mayer, development officer at Education Scotland, said: Building on the overwhelming success of the Commonwealth Games and the learning experiences young people have been enriched with as a result, Game On Scotland now aims to provide opportunities to continue its legacy.  Through the visit programme athletes and young people can share their visions for the future and inspire each other to be the best they can be whatever the context.  

Louise Renicks said: “Kimberley and I feel privileged to be able to share our experiences as athletes with learners through the Game On Scotland visits programme.  We believe as role models we can inspire young people to be the best they can be in life, no matter what their circumstances, preferences or abilities. We really enjoy contributing to the learning experiences in schools by sharing our skills, talking about failure and success and discipline as well as promoting values such as fairness and sportsmanship. ”

Gerry Campbell, general manager of South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture, said: “The success of Glasgow 2014 has provided a great opportunity for a whole host of agencies to use the positive images of sport and physical activity from Glasgow 2014 to inspire young people and others to engage in sport. Visits to local schools and sports clubs by athletes from Team Scotland are highly motivational and South Lanarkshire welcome any opportunity to get involved in such visits”

Athlete Visits Programme for Schools

As part of providing exciting learning opportunities around the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, Game On Scotland is delighted to announce that we are able to offer 100 education establishments across Scotland the chance to receive a visit by a Scottish athlete in the run up to the Games.

What might an athlete’s visit look like?

The format of each visit will be negotiated between the individual athlete and the school, but may include the following:

Whole school/year group assemblies: The athlete may participate in assemblies by providing the inspirational address for the day (eg. share their story, provide a key message, support a Commonwealth themed event, hand out awards such as the Game On Scotland Plaque)
Focus group input: This may involve an athlete visiting a specific class, target group (eg. school ambassadors or senior coaching classes) sharing his or her experiences and engaging in a question and answer session.
Active engagement: This provides an opportunity to share some of the expertise of athletes in their distinct area and may involve coaching sessions, skills development or offering taster sessions.

All visits will be arranged on a one-off basis. For more in depth athlete engagements please see the Champions in Schools programme.  However we aim to match athletes to education establishments within their reasonable travel distance to allow for the possibility of longer term educational partnerships.

When will the visits take place?

Visits will take place from the end of March until the end of June. The closing date for the first round of application is the 21 March and for this round visits will be allocated on a ‘first come-first serve’ basis. A second round will become available soon thereafter.

How to enter:

All education establishments in Scotland who have posted a Game On Challenge are eligible to enter a prize draw to receive a visit by a Scottish athlete, though secondary schools will receive priority.

To apply for a visit simply complete this brief survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SW93KDZ

Are there any costs involved?

There is no cost to any school which participates, other than any costs resulting from individual programme arrangements (e.g. athlete lunch). Such costs will have to be covered by the participating education establishment.

Can I request a specific athlete/focus sport?

The aim of this initiative is to provide inspiration and generic insight into the life and work of a professional athlete. Much of the input will focus on a wider skills agenda and generic dispositions or values (eg. determination, aspiration, fairness and sportsmanship). We will not be able to guarantee visits by specific athletes from a particular sport, however we will take a school’s particular sporting interests into account when matching athletes.