Category Archives: Inspire>Aspire

Banchory and Broxburn latest schools to receive plaques

Banchory Primary pupils with ClydeInto the second week of his Game On Scotland tour and Clyde stopped at Banchory Primary in Clackmannanshire and Broxburn Primary in West Lothian, awarding both schools Game On Scotland plaques in recognition of their great Glasgow 2014 work. Congratulations to both schools, which are the first in their local authority areas to receive a plaque.

Banchory Primary has made excellent use of the materials and opportunities available on the Game On Scotland site, taking part in Glow Meets, using the learning journeys and joining in with projects and competitions. The school has also been getting active with cycling a big part – pupils have been undertaking training and are now part of bike clubs, with funds raised to take a trip to the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome later in the session. Speaking of fundraising, pupils also raised £800 through enterprise activities to support community projects in Ghana. That’s just a flavour of a huge range of activity, but the story here is very much about seizing opportunities to enhance learning and working with partners in the community to realise ambitions!

Broxburn Primary pupils with ClydeMeanwhile, at Broxburn, there are more great examples. Using the obvious connection to physical education as a starting point, the school has then broadened out their learning across the curriculum. The school gratefully acknowledges the support they’ve received from a Big Lottery grant, which has allowed them to secure training for staff and recruit sport coaches for after-school clubs. Amongst other things, the school has also been involved in learning around the Queen’s Baton Relay, the Inspire-Aspire programme and Champions in Schools.

If your school would like to receive a Game On Scotland plaque (as well as a range of other benefits, including mascot visits), then make sure you register a Game On Challenge, telling us about your plans.

Game On Scotland Inverness Event: New date – 18 November 2013

When? Monday, 18 November 2013,  9.30 – 15.00

Where? Drumossie Hotel, Inverness

With around 250 days before the biggest multi-sport and cultural event ever to come to Scotland, we invite practitioners to join us and find out more on how the Commonwealth Games may provide help you to create stimulating learning opportunities across the curriculum and beyond.

The event will showcase inspirational initiatives from schools across the board and highlight programmes available to teachers to ensuring that, together, we deliver a lasting legacy for learning. The keynote address will come from Paralymic champion David Smith MBE.  A variety of engaging workshops delivered by practitioners and organisations experienced in Games Legacy work will provide practical, hands-on exemplification on the impact of using the Games as a context for learning. Workshop sessions will include:

  • exemplification from primary and secondary schools,
  • inspirational address by people directly engaged with the Games and its legacy ,
  • international education and partnerships
  • Food for Thought Education Fund around the Commonwealth Games
  • cluster and local authority initiatives.

View the Game On Scotland Event draft programme – 18 Nov, Inverness

Who should attend?

Teachers, lead staff and those with a whole school responsibility for Games Legacy, including cluster initiatives and wider curriculum remits related to the Games (e.g. active schools coorindator, health and wellbeing).

How to register:

We invite you to join us for an inspirational day of sharing and collaborative thinking around a variety of exciting opportunities by registering for the event on line  or directly with Diane Carson:

Scotland’s Schools get ready to be inspired by Glasgow 2014

On Monday 19th August, pupils at Grove Academy in Dundee were involved in a launch event with a difference. Not only were they joined Shona Robison MSP and local hero Liz McColgan to launch Character Scotland’s exciting new Inspire>Aspire: Global Citizens in the Making’ programme – they also launched their own inspirations and aspirations in the form of over 220 helium balloons which took to the skies above Broughty Ferry.

Character Scotland is an emerging and rapidly expanding charity that aims to support the development of children and young people’s character and values. The charity’s vision is for all children and young people to develop as responsible, caring, ethical and engaged global citizens: people who aim to HELP OTHERS, GET INVOLVED, DO THE RIGHT THING and DO THEIR BEST.

Liz McColgan, former Commonwealth and Olympic athlete, said “the project allows pupils to believe in themselves. It doesn’t matter what people think or say about you, if you really believe in something you want to achieve you have to be dedicated to putting the time and effort into doing it. This project allows children to search at what they are good at”.

To find out more or get involved with the progamme please go to the Global Citizens in the Making section within Game On Scotland.

Young people display Olympic spirit: The 2013 Inspire>Aspire Awards

Some of the country’s brightest young people visited Glasgow City Chambers to receive medals for their work on the Inspire-Aspire programme from Olympic Gold Medallist rower, Katherine Grainger CBE, IOC member Sir Craig Reedie CBE and the Lord Provost of Glasgow Cllr Sadie Docherty.

The Inspire-Aspire Awards programme reached 25,000 young people this year by using the Olympic and Paralympic Games and the character qualities of Olympians to inspire young people to set personal goals and to develop future aspirations.

Winning a joint- Gold, 1st Level award at the event were Iona Robertson, Banff Academy and Dornie Burnett from Inverurie Academy.

Dornie chose Nadia Elena Comăneci as her inspirational figure as part of her work on the programme.  Expressing her reasons for her chosen inspirational figure, Dornie said:

 “How many future gymnasts did Nadia inspire? I don’t know the exact number, but it is at least one, because she inspired me”.

 Before presenting the awards, Olympian Grainger told an enthralled audience that it takes commitment and courage to reach the top. She spoke about how it was sheer determination that had helped her finish the race at the London Olympics in 2012. Grainger expressed how important using the Olympic and Paralympic values in everyday life can be, not just in sport.

Inspire-Aspire aims to help young people gain a better understanding of their own character qualities and values and inspire them to create a personal development plan. 

Iona explained how much of an impact participating in Inspire-Aspire has had on her: “The questions it asked me made me put my goals and targets into perspective.”