As we approach the final days before the year of the Games begins, it seems an appropriate time to provide an update on some of the achievements of Game On Scotland since its launch in May of this year. Over 1200 Scottish schools have already engaged with the programme in some way, along with numerous youth groups and organisations, and we’ve also engaged others from across the Commonwealth.
It’s certainly been busy and, of course, we expect it to get even busier in 2014, which is why we’re looking for some help. So before this year ends, let’s take a look back at some of 2013’s Game On Scotland facts and figures.
1st May 2013, Game On Scotland launch
It all started with a bang, as Shona Robison MSP, Minister for Commonwealth Games and Sport, joined Cllr Archie Graham from Glasgow City Council and David Grevemberg, CEO of Glasgow 2014, at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. With a helping hand from Clyde and Hillhead Primary School pupils, the Game On Scotland programme went live, with a particular focus on the Athletes’ Village Art Competition. This flagship competition still has a few places remaining for schools yet to sign up – register with us and your pupils’ artwork will appear in the bedrooms of the 6500 athletes and officials coming to Glasgow next year. Hurry though, the deadline for registration is 17th January (deadline for submission of artwork is 28th February).
Game On Challenge
279 schools and organisations have now told us about their Glasgow 2014 learning plans, by submitting their Game On Challenge. Although the majority come from Scotland, we now have 11 Commonwealth nations and territories represented, including St Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha, one of the smallest territories in the Commonwealth.
We’ve also begun awarding Game On Scotland plaques to schools who are successfully demonstrating just how exciting the Games can be as a context for learning. Congratulations again to Crown Primary School in Inverness and to Comely Park Primary School in Falkirk for their achievements. Your school could be next, simply by telling us how you’ll be learning using the Games in a Game On Challenge entry.
Game On Scotland Ambassador
Just this month we were delighted to announce Scottish hockey star Holly Cram as the first Game On Scotland ambassador. As well as her athletic achievements, Holly is a qualified PE teacher and currently coaches at Dollar Academy. As we begin 2014, Holly will be taking part in Glow Meets, speaking at events and visiting schools to promote the Game On Scotland programme and the Games.
Learning Journeys
There are now 35 learning journeys available in the resources section of the site, covering all curricular areas and appropriate for all stages. These resources are designed to offer ideas to use with your class or group. To date, these resources have been downloaded over 20,000 times by teachers and educators – assuming that each resource is used with 20 learners, that could be 400,000 young people engaging with the Games!
Some of the most popular learning journeys so far have been:
CPD Events and Glow Meets
We’ve successfully delivered two national CPD events for teachers and educators, in Glasgow and Inverness, with at least one more to follow, likely to be in Dundee in February next year. Feedback has been outstanding, with 97% of delegates rating as either excellent or very good in terms of usefulness. Keep a look out for information on the next event, which will be released early in the new year.
We’re also midway through a programme of Glow Meets, with CPD events at the beginning of each month and events for learners at the end. We’ve linked each month to a curricular area and these events bring a particular focus to the Games as a context. Next up in the series is our “Maths/Numeracy and Game On Scotland” CPD session on 7th January.
Game On Scotland network
Although everything on the Game On Scotland site is freely available, we encourage teachers and educators to sign up to the network. As the programme is constantly evolving, with new information, resources and opportunities added on a regular basis, signing up ensures you can keep up! 3,500 have already joined our mailing list and receive the monthly updates we send, highlighting the latest content – join them by registering here.
Anything else?
Well we’ve also been helping Clyde to visit schools around the country, supporting engagement with the Queen’s Baton Relay and promoting all sorts of other education opportunities. It’s been a busy eight months, but there’s a lot more to come in the next eight as we set our sights on the largest multi-sport and cultural event ever to come to Scotland – if you haven’t already joined in the excitement, then sign up to play your part and get ready for Game On Scotland!