Tag Archives: #creativechange

Creative Learning Award – nominations now welcome!

Creative Learning Award

The Scottish Education Awards recognise schools and centres that have developed a vibrant and progressive culture and climate of continuous innovation.

The culture and ethos should promote respect, ambition and achievement while improving outcomes for all learners in ways which eliminate inequity.

Download the flyer: Creative Learning Award 2016

Nominations should include practical activities and projects that the school or centre has undertaken, detailing the impact these strategies have had on pupils, staff, parents and the community.

  • How does your school/centre promote creativity for pupils and staff?
  • Do you have a strategy for developing creativity in learning within your improvement plans?
  • How is creativity being developed across all curriculum areas, and interdisciplinary projects?
  • How do the practitioners in your school/centre ensure that all pupils are supported to develop creativity in ways which build on their personal strengths whether as individuals or in group activities?
  • What evidence can you provide that leaners are given responsibility for planning and managing creativity projects?
  • What partnerships have you developed to build and support the development of creativity?


What are the outcomes of these approaches in terms of impact on:

  • children and young people
  • the whole school community
  • the wider community


Nominations close at 12 noon on Monday 15 February 2016