From sand dunes and robots to comedy and sport – Fife Science Festival

Details of next month’s Fife Science Festival have been launched. For the first time in its history, Fife Science Festival has been extended to Dunfermline, with events also heading to St Andrews, Buckhaven, Burntisland, Glenrothes, Tayport and Kirkcaldy.

Funded by the Scottish Government, the Edina Trust and Podium (the Further and Higher Education Unit for the 2012 Games), the festival will involve a diverse range of free events for schools and the general public.

A week-long science week will also held at Denbeath Primary School in Buckhaven with engineering insights at Adam Smith College in Glenrothes and wireless wonders at Museum of Communication at Burntisland. Secondary school pupils will also get the chance to make a prize-winning robot, while a lecture will explore what life would be like without evolution.

For more information, please contact Alexandra Forrest, Festivals and Events Officer, Dundee Science Centre on 01382 228800 or visit <>

Only 2 weeks left to have your say – Opportunity for young people to engage with Scotland’s National Youth Arts Strategy

Creative Scotland is leading the development of Scotland’s first National Youth Arts Strategy. The strategy isn’t Creative Scotland’s, it’s Scotland’s and we would like you to join the conversation.

It will have the vision of establishing Scotland as an international leader in youth arts. Perhaps you think we already are? We need to hear your thoughts and opinions to help shape and inform the strategy.

Young Scot Online Questionnaire – click here for an online questionnaire for young people aged 11-26yrs old to have your say. We’d be grateful if you could forward to young people you work with, post it on your website or promote across your networks.

Twitter – If you want to join the national youth arts conversation on twitter then use the #tag: #YouthArtsScot to get us trending!

Shetland youth film group webcasts to the world

Maddrim broadcast Up Helly Aa

Shetland’s youth based film group Maddrim Media, in partnership with Promote Shetland, broadcast the events of Up Helly Aa live to the world via webcast last Tuesday. Over 8000 unique visitors from as far afield as the Bahamas and Australia watched the day’s events online and were able to enjoy a special radio segment recorded by the group.

Water Works – year long photography competition

Looking for a new idea to enrich the STEM Central water context <> ? A trickling burn, a flooded street, a horse’s trough or a grand Scottish loch – no matter what comes to mind when you think of water the Water Works competition wants your photographs. The James Hutton Institute  <> via the Centre of Expertise for Waters  <>  are running a year long competition aimed at raising awareness of water and water-related issues across both primary and secondary ages. The competition, with monthly prizes, aims to encourage learners to think about the natural environment and make the link between CfE curriculum areas Sciences, Technologies and Expressive Arts. The competition page gives background on the competition and entry instructions. <>

CPD events: integrate the arts into your teaching practice

Catalyst: Inspiring Arts Ideas for Teachers
The Prince’s Foundation for Children & the Arts is offering a series of inspiring arts-based training days designed to help teachers integrate the arts into their practice. Participants will work with professional artists and practitioners to build confidence in using the arts, focusing on teaching, focused on P3 to P6. Please see attached further information on the courses and how to book.

Catalyst Inspiring Arts Ideas for Teachers

Catalyst 11.12 Booking Form (Scotland)[1]

Pink Buildings – an exhibition of pupils’ art

South Ayrshire Council News

Provost Winifred Sloan has opened an art exhibition celebrating the iconic pink buildings on New Bridge Street in Ayr.

Entitled ‘A Young Look at an Old Town,’ the exhibition showcased a collection of original prints made by pupils at Newton and St John’s primary schools, featuring elements from the pink buildings and landmarks in and around the New Bridge area, traditionally known as the ‘Gateway to Ayr.’

Developing global citizens through sciences, social studies and technologies

Interdisciplinary learning for a low carbon and zero waste future
Venue: Menzies Hotel, Glasgow, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm, Friday 30 March 2012

This CPD event provides an exciting opportunity for secondary school practitioners to discover how cradle to cradle technologies and a circular economy can be used as a rich and stimulating context for interdisciplinary learning relating to sustainable development education and global citizenship within Curriculum for Excellence.

The Scottish Government is committed to a low-carbon and zero-waste economy and the development of enterprise, creativity, STEM (Sciences, Technologies, Engineering and Maths) and higher order thinking skills in young people are essential if we are to realise these ambitious plans for the future. The circular economy concept proposes the use of sustainable technologies, innovative design and production methods and systems thinking to minimise waste and reduce the exploitation of the Earth’s precious resources. This event will draw on exciting developments within industry which are set to transform the way our economy operates in the decades ahead.

This is a partnership event organised by Education Scotland, The Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the University of Edinburgh.

To book, please email: or Tel. 0141 282 5172. Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Forest Pitch strip designs unveiled

The designs for the four strips to be worn by the teams playing in the Forest Pitch <>  matches on 21 July 2012 were unveiled at the Scottish Football Museum today, Tuesday 7 February 2012. The announcement was made by Shona Robison MSP, Minister for Commonwealth Games and Sport.

Following a nationwide primary school competition, which saw over 2,000 young people submit designs, a shortlist of 30 was selected, all of which will be on show in an exhibition at the Scottish Football Museum from today until 15 July 2012. The four winning designs were created by: 10-year old Kerr Carlyle from Dalmilling Primary School, Ayr; 11-year old Anah Dodds from Letham Primary School, Fife; 10-year old Mia Gordon from Edinburgh Academy, Edinburgh and 9-year old Amelia Purkis from Lilliesleaf Primary School, Melrose. 10-year old Ben Logan from Maxwellton Primary School, East Kilbride received a special commendation.

National Gaelic drama tour launched

Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland’s languages, Dr. Alasdair Allan, last week launched a national Gaelic drama tour at Meadowburn Primary School, Bishopbriggs.

Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig, the agency with responsibility for the production and co-ordination of Gaelic educational resources, collaborated with agencies across Scotland and Ireland to produce a superb collection of traditional Scottish and Irish tales entitled ‘Mar a chuala mise e – As I heard it’.

Head of Project, Donald John MacRitchie said:

“Co-working with the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) in Belfast provided us with the opportunity of sharing our experiences of developments in education and achieved a 50 per cent saving in our publishing costs. We then worked with Fèisean nan Gàidheal, the organisation which supports the development of community-based Gaelic arts tuition festivals throughout Scotland, to assist in dramatising one of the tales from the book and to produce an online pack on how to dramatise a story.

“We asked our friends at Meadowburn Primary School in Bishopbriggs to host the first performance and the pupils engaged enthusiastically with the actors from Fèisean nan Gàidheal, providing alternative endings to the drama. We were delighted that Dr Allan, the Minister with responsibility for Gaelic, was able to be present to launch the tour which will visit 50 venues across local authorities. We are grateful to Meadowbank Primary and to Dr Allan for their willing participation.

“Stòrlann are key players in the drive to raise the number of Gaelic speakers in Scotland, and drama is recognised as an excellent vehicle for language acquisition.

“Our resources cater for all stages and include the online terminology database, An Seotal, and the website Gaelic4Parents which helps parents with children in Gaelic-medium education.”

Find out more about Stòrlann

Ministear airson Ionnsachaidh, Saidheans agus Cànain na h-Alba, an Dr Alasdair Allan, a’ cur cuairt dràma nàiseanta air bhog aig Bun-Sgoil Innis an Uillt, Drochaid an Easbaig.

Tha Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig air co-obrachadh le buidhnean ann an Alba agus Èirinn gus cruinneachadh sgoinneil de sgeulachdan traidiseanta fhoillseachadh air a bheil Mar a Chual Mise e.

Thuirt Ceannard Phròiseactan, Dòmhnall Iain MacRisnidh:

“Chaidh sinn an uair sin còmhla ri Fèisean nan Gàidheal gus aon dhe na sgeulachdan a thionndadh gu dràma, agus gus pasgan air-loidhne ullachadh a sheallas mar a nì thu dràma a-mach à sgeulachd.

“Chuir ar caraidean ann am Bun-Sgoil Innis an Uillt fàilte air cluicheadairean Fèisean nan Gàidheal airson a’ chiad taisbeanaidh dhen dràma. Chaidh na sgoilearan an sàs gu dealasach còmhla riutha, ’s iad a’ cruthachadh an deireadh fhèin airson na sgeulachd. Bha sinn air leth toilichte gum b’ urrainn don Dr Alasdair Allan, amMinistear le dleastanas airson Gàidhlig, a bhith ann airson a’ chuairt a chur air bhog. Tadhailidh an sgioba air 50 àite air feadh na dùthcha. Ar taing do mhuinntir na sgoile agus don Dr Allan airson pàirt a ghabhail còmhla rinn.

“Tha àite mòr aig Stòrlann san iomairt gus àireamh luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig a chur am meud, agus tha e aithnichte gu bheil dràma na dhòigh mhath air cànan a thogail.

“Tha na goireasan againn a’ frithealadh air gach ìre agus nam measg tha An Seotal, stòr-dàta briathrachais air-loidhne, agus an làrach-lìn Gaelic4Parents a bhios a’ cuideachadh phàrantan le clann ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.”

Gus tuilleadh fhaighinn a-mach mu Stòrlann agus na tha sinn a’ dèanamh, tadhail air

Young People – have your say on Scotland’s first National Youth Arts Strategy

Creative Scotland is leading the development of Scotland’s first National Youth Arts Strategy. The strategy isn’t Creative Scotland’s, it’s Scotland’s and we would like you to join the conversation.

It will have the vision of establishing Scotland as an international leader in youth arts. Perhaps you think we already are? We need to hear your thoughts and opinions to help shape and inform the strategy.

Young Scot Online Questionnaire – click here for an online questionnaire for young people aged 11-26yrs old to have your say. We’d be grateful if you could forward to young people you work with, post it on your website or promote across your networks.

Twitter – If you want to join the national youth arts conversation on twitter then use the #tag: #YouthArtsScot to get us trending!

News, opportunities, research and strategy relating to creative teaching and learning in Scotland

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