Ullapool High School team wins European Business Game

The ‘Squeasy Peasey’ team from Ullapool High School has won the European Business Game (EBG). Their proposed reusable baby food pouch company impressed the judges at the international final in the Faroe Islands on Friday (5 July).

The team represented the whole of Scotland after winning the national final in April. The international final was a particularly tough competition with some great ideas from each of the participating countries.

It was the team’s innovative product and detailed proposal that saw them win the award. Their business pitch included market research, a three-year financial plan, and multi-lingual baby-food recipe videos on YouTube. The Czech Republic’s entry – a car wheel-changing device – came a very close second.

Young writers and artists/designers wanted – GIRFEC project

GIRFEC Wellbeing competition – still plenty time to enter


The Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) team is looking for talented young writers and artists/designers to help develop a meaningful guide for young people about GIRFEC. The competition is open to young people aged between 11 and 15.

Creative arts in social services and early years survey

IRISS would like to illustrate how the creative arts are currently being applied in Scotland’s social services. They know that creativity can change lives for the better and they would like you to help them understand how the creative arts are being used, and the impact this type of work can have for people supported by services and for staff.

They have created a survey for you to complete to give them an overview of your work. After they’ve received your responses, their plan is to work with some of you to showcase what it is you are doing so that they can inspire others. Part of this project will also be to document the strengths and challenges of the use of the arts in the sector, so that they can share the learning across different disciplines.

Creative Quarter Project:


New Award announced to celebrate innovation and creativity in education

Award created in honour of social reformer Robert Owen.
A new award recognising inspirational educators has been announced by Education Secretary Michael Russell.

The Robert Owen Award will recognise ground breaking and inspirational innovation in Education. The first winner will be announced later this year.

Mr Russell made the announcement while speaking to international delegates at The Utopian Studies Society’s European conference at New Lanark, the village where Owen provided security, education and decent living conditions for the mill workers and their families.

The award also recognises that this is the 200th anniversary of the publication of Owen’s seminal book “A New View of Society”.

Mr Russell said:

“In New Lanark child labour was ended; a sickness fund was established; a crèche for working mothers was developed and a comprehensive system of education was provided. Robert Owen saw education as being essential to the human experience.

“Modern Scotland embraces that view – we see education as a societal good as well as an individual one. It remains central to our values and to our very sense of ourselves.

“Owen challenged the status quo, he looked at how to engage and inspire people through education as he realised that it was the most important foundation in life.

“The Robert Owen Award will reward outstanding commitment to Scottish education, it will recognise creativity and it will exemplify why so many countries in Europe look on with interest on all that we have achieved in improving the prospects for our young people.

“Like Owen, we believe that we have a duty to provide education and that we all pay the price if we do not meet that responsibility.

“Yet until Scotland gains full control of its own finances, until we develop our own system of welfare, benefits and taxation, we will continue to be at the mercy of decisions taken remotely that limit our ability to do the best we can.

“For me, the independence debate is about the powers we need to tackle the deep-rooted challenges that face us – challenges like child poverty and gaps in educational attainment that have never been adequately tackled.

“Those are the issues that Robert Owen started to tackle and it is a debate which starts with the question; What kind of Scotland do we want to live in?”

Enter Royal Mail’s Christmas stamp design competition

Royal Mail is running an amazing national art competition for primary school pupils to design stamps for Christmas 2013.


Two lucky winners will see their designs on one of the 1st or one of the 2nd Class Christmas stamps from this year’s range.

The competition theme is ‘what does the Christmas season mean to you?’ and so the children can design an image that best describes what the festive holiday period means to them.  Competition entries must be received by 19 July 2013.

Launch of Learning with Devices site

Schools across Scotland are engaging with a range of tablet devices such as iPads, Windows 8 tablets, Android Tablets, Kindles and Chromebooks to help effect better outcomes for  learners and to help enhance and enrich learning in Curriculum for Excellence. The purpose of the Learning with Devices site is to help share the developing narrative of the pedagogy that is being employed with tablets and devices in our schools with a wider audience so that we can continue to learn from and with each other.

Michael Russell blog – launching the ‘Learning with Devices’ site


GIRFEC Wellbeing competition – writing and design

GIRFEC Wellbeing competition – What does wellbeing mean to you? http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/People/Young-People/wellbeingwk/competition

The Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) team is looking for talented young writers and artists/designers to help develop a meaningful guide for young people about GIRFEC. The competition is open to young people aged between 11 and 15.

Writing competition – entrants are invited to write a 500-word short essay, story or poem about one of the eight GIRFEC ‘indicators’ of wellbeing – the words that describe what it looks like when things are going well for a child or young person.

Design competition – we’re also looking for a design for a cover for the guide – or perhaps for a web-based version.

The closing date is 30 September 2013.

Ask an Astronaut with the Scottish Space School 2013

19 June 10.00 am http://bit.ly/17kXNEW


Join us in Glow TV for the fourth year of ‘Ask an Astronaut’ in collaboration with the Scottish Space School. Take part in this exclusive opportunity to talk to two star guests Rick Hieb and Amber Gell.  Rick Heib is a former NASA astronaut and a veteran of three space shuttle missions. He has logged over 750 hours in space, including over 17 hours of EVA (space walk). He was a mission specialist on STS-39 and STS-49, and was a payload commander on STS-65. He is currently the Vice-President of Lockheed Martin and part of what they do, with other partners, is combining their talents to launch a bold new era of space exploration.

News, opportunities, research and strategy relating to creative teaching and learning in Scotland

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